Chapter 33

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I don't ever know what to say when I double update lol


"I'm sorry." I hear Dean say. I took my shoes off and walked into the kitchen. LeeAnn and Steve were sitting at the table with Dean.

"Hello, sweetie." LeeAnn smiled. Dean looked back to me and his smile grew.

"Maybe you can help us." Steve said motioning for me to sit down. Dean pulled out the chair next to him.

"How may I assist you?" I asked and Dean grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Ever since the other night Dean has been extra touchy, as if he needed to touch me to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere. I wasn't sure why, but I didn't mind. I had missed his touch.

"LeeAnn and I discussed it and believe that Dean should join AA." I ran my thumb over his and he smiled. His smile quickly faded when he remembered what they were talking about.

"Dad, I told you I won't do it again."

"Son, it was not acceptable to go out with your friends and party every night. And don't think we didn't notice the liquor cabinet diminishing." Hold up.

"What?" I asked looking to Dean. "You what?" He began to open his mouth but LeeAnn cut in.

"Honey, we just think that this will be good for you."

"I agree, Dean." He turned his head to me.

"I really don't think that I need it. I just-"

"Do it. For me." After keeping eye contact with me for a couple seconds he sighed and looked to his parents.


"We also think its a good idea to take your car away."

"Do you want my phone too?" I ran my thumb over his skin, trying to calm him before he got pissed.


"Sorry." He reached into his pocket and slid his keys over to his dad.

"Thank you. Just know that we are doing this because we love you and don't want to see you get hurt again." Dean nodded. His parents stood up and before they could leave the room Dean stopped them. He pulled both of them in for a hug.

"I really am sorry, mom and dad. I didn't mean to scare you like that." LeeAnn kissed his forehead and they walked away.

I stood up and walked over to Dean, wrapping my arms around him for a hug.

"I'm so proud of you." I whispered.

"You shouldn't be."

"Stop it, Dean." He let me go and grabbed my hand, leading me up to his room.

"I'm serious, Aria. I screwed up. I'm sorry for saying those things. I didn't mean any of it and I hope you know that."

"Stop beating yourself up about it. It was a little fight." I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Babe, please." He put his forehead to mine and raised his hands to place them on the side of my face. "Just listen okay?"

"Okay." I whispered. He kissed my nose before going on.

"I was a fucking idiot for telling you to go fuck yourself and everything else. I hate myself for telling you that." I tried to say something but he kept going. "Babe," he said with a small laugh. "I really need to say this." I smiled and pressed my lips to his.

"I'm sorry."

"The past couple of days I've been a mess, as you know. I can't be without you. It sounds stupid, but I'm so in love with you and it drives me insane. There's no one else for me. And I'm so so so sorry for any pain or hurt that I've caused you, Aria." I smiled and stepped closer to him. "Please say something." He whispered looking into my eyes again.

"I love you." He smiled and kissed my forehead before kissing me.

"I promise I'm going to make it up to you."

"Just shut up." I whispered and kissed him again.

"I love you. So much." He whispered.

"Just promise me that you'll take the AA meetings seriously, please?"

"For you? Anything." I moved my hands into his hair. "I missed you."

"And I missed you." Just as our lips were about to touch Lily tugged on our shirts.

"Yes, Lily?" Dean asked still looking at me.

"Will you and Air take me to see a movie?" I shrugged.

"What's in it for me?" He asked looking down at her. She put her hand up to her chin and then smiled when she thought of something.

"A kiss and hug?"

"Well how can I pass that up?" He asked. She jumped up and down.

"I'll go get my shoes and we can go." She ran out of the room. I laughed and looked back to Dean.

He kissed me over and over again. I giggled and pushed him away. He chuckled and picked me up.

"God, I can't get enough of you." I blushed and he pecked my lips.

"I'll get the tickets you two get the food." Dean told me. Lily grabbed my hand and ran to the food counter.

"What do you want little one?" I asked ruffling her hair.

"Candy, popcorn, everything." The girl behind the counter laughed.

"Can we have a kids meal thing, a large slushie, and medium popcorn?"

"Air, candy." Lily said with a whine.

"Your mom is going to kill me." I told her. She smiled and hugged my leg.

"I can keep a secret." I shook my head.

"Can we also get a box of sour patch kids?" The lady smiled and told me the amount.

"Hey sexy." Dean whispered in my ear. I smiled and handed him the popcorn and drink.

"Enjoy your movie." I smiled to the girl and we began to the theatre.

"You realize that all of this is going to make her bounce off the walls right." I told Dean as we sat in the seats. Dean reached over me and handed napkins to Lily, then kissed my cheek.

"She'll be fine." He whispered and rested his arm around my shoulders. "Right Lil?" He then asked. She nodded and stuffed her mouth with candy and popcorn.

"Dean! Dean!" Lily yelled tugging on his hand. He let go of my hand and picked her up.

"You had too much candy." He said with a sigh.

"Who said this would happen?" I asked opening my back door. When she wouldn't let him buckle her in, I gently pushed him away. "Lily?" She looked at me while bouncing up and down. "If you can stay still while I buckle you we can go to the park." She completely stopped.

"Are you kidding me?" Dean asked leaning against my car. I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed his cheek.

"Child whisperer." I laughed at him.

We took Lily to the park and sat on a bench while she ran around. She had so much energy, it's ridiculous.

"She's getting tired." Dean told me. I nodded and criss crossed my legs. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked a few minutes later.


"Good." He leaned in closer and kissed me. "Because you're going to be all mine." He whispered seductively. His beautiful eyes sparkled and held contact with my eyes. My heart beat sped up and my breathing became heavy. Once again before our lips could touch Lily came up to us wanting to go home.

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