Chapter 26

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"Damn I have a hot girlfriend." Dean said pulling me into him. I laughed and shook my head.

"Should've seen me earlier." My hair was all over the place, the little makeup that I had on from last night was smeared, and I reeked of alcohol.

"You took a shower without me?" He pouted.

"You're such a big baby. Get a shower." I parted my hair then looked in the mirror.

"Wanna hang out today?" He asked as he started his shower.

"I'd love to."

"Good, because first I'm taking you to brunch. After that I'm taking you to a game store so we can buy me some more games." I laughed at him and sat up on the sink. "Then we are coming here to play those games, going to have many make out sessions, then you're taking me out for ice cream."

"Oh am I?" He peeked out from the shower curtain to look at me.

"Duh. I haven't had ice cream in forever."

"I'm more into these so called make out sessions." The shower stopped and the curtain opened. He grabbed a towel from the shelf then wrapped it around his waist.

"Should I show you how they work?" His hands rested on my hips as he moved in between my legs.

Have I mentioned how hot he is? Holy crap. I see him shirtless and sometimes naked almost everyday. It still shocks me how hot he is.

He gently grabbed my chin in his thumb and finger to move my head to his level.

How the hell did I get so lucky? I asked myself as he put his lips to mine. God, he was such a good kisser.

I rested my forehead against his to catch my breath. He pecked my lips and squeezed my thighs.

"You have been super horny lately." I told him running my hand through his wet hair.

"Maybe it's because my girlfriend is so hot."

"You're an idiot."

"Maybe you're an idiot can be our always." I laughed and hopped off the counter. "What did I say this time?"

"Just get dressed. I'm hungry."

"You seem to be sleeping well." Dean said as he stopped at the red light.

"The doctor said it was because I was stressed. I became less stressed and am sleeping better." His thumb ran over my hand. Leaning over, I kissed his cheek. "I love you, Dean."

"I love you, too." He brought my hand up to his mouth. "You're a weirdo sometimes." He took his foot off the brake and pressed the accelerator.

"I know."

"How did you like the party?"

"It was fun." He smirked and got into the turning lane, waiting to turn into the restaurant he was taking us to. "What?"

"Nothing. You were having the time of your life and I loved it."

"Because I gave you a lap dance." He chuckled and pulled into a spot. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seat belt. He's such a guy.

"Not only that." He said reaching over and grabbing the car door before I could push it open. "Because I don't see you have that much fun- as you're supposed to, Air. You're always stressed and worried about school. You need to let loose once in a while, princess." I leaned over and pressed my lips to his.

"Did I mention how much I love you?"

"Only a few times these past couple of months." He joked. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the car. "You just love to roll your eyes today."

"You're so stupid." I laughed and dug through my purse as my phone went off for the third time. Dean's foot found mine and he began to play footsie. I shook my head with a smile and put the phone to my ear.


"Air?!" Isatu cried. The smile was wiped off my face and I sat up straight.

"Is, what's wrong?"

"Will you come over? I need someone right now." It was hard to understand what she said, but I finally made it out.

"Right now?"

"Yes." She sobbed and then blew her nose. I put my purse over my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"I gotta go. Girl emergency. I'll call you later." I rushed out. I began towards the door then ran back to give Dean a quick kiss.

"We will make out later."

"Babe-" I then ran out the door and ran down the street.

"Are you at your house, Isatu?"

"Yes." She sobbed.

"Okay, I'm in town so I'll be there in just a few minutes." I ran five blocks then took a right, running another block to finally get to her house. I found the spare key under the rock by the back door.

Isatu was sitting on her bed crying. Used Kleenex were laying all over her room. I set my purse down and wrapped my arms around her.

"So you two had sex then he said lets go to dinner?" I asked trying to understand. She nodded and grabbed another Kleenex. "Then when you got there a girl was waiting for him, who claimed to be his girlfriend?"

"He cheated on her with me, Air." Isatu wrapped her arms tighter around me as she cried. "That wasn't the worse part. She- she was pregnant." She cried harder. Okay, this was new information.

She was really upset about this. But was she upset because she really liked him or because she feels bad about the other girl? Or could none of those be it? I'm not really sure but she's super upset.

"Listen. I don't really know what to say because I've obviously never been in this situation, but-" my phone cut off my sentence.

"Answer it." She sniffled and then sobbed yet again. "It's probably your hot boyfriend." I rubbed my eyes and stepped out into the hall.

"How's it going?" Dean asked. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"There was a guy she had sex with a couple times, I guess, and she found out he cheated with her on his girlfriend. Who's pregnant. I'm still trying to get all of the details and calm her down, but she's been like this since I got here."

"So you can't come over?" I know he was disappointed, I could tell when he asked. I was a little disappointed too, but what could I do? My best friend needed me right now and I can't just leave her in this state. I would definitely win the worst friend of the year award.

"I'm sorry, babe."

"It's alright." He lied.


"No, it's fine, Aira. I gotta go." Without another word he ended our conversation. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair.

From outside her room, Isatu's sobs got louder. I quickly got up and went to comfort her.

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