Chapter 23

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I groaned and flipped onto my back. I don't know why I can't go to sleep. Maybe I'm still used to the different time zones. Or maybe it's because I'm having nightmares. There's also the small chance that something is wrong with me. I don't know what it would be, but there's something for everything nowadays.

I turned to look at my alarm clock. 3:24 am.

"Why?" I groaned and looked up to my dark ceiling. I picked my phone up from my nightstand and then turned on the lamp. I walked over to my chair and plopped down. My finger hovered over his name as I debated on whether to call him or not. I closed my eyes hoping he was up at this time of night.

Who was I kidding? No sane person was up at this time of night.

But maybe he was still up playing his video games. He did that sometimes.

I sighed when the fourth rang came on. He's not going to answer. He's sleeping. Something I wish I could do.

"Hello?" I smiled and crossed my legs.


"Aria? Is everything alright? It's 3:30."

"I know. I'm sorry." Dean sighed and I know he just wanted to sleep. "I won't bother you. Go back to sleep."

"No. Air, wait. Talk to me, beautiful." I shrugged and laid my head back onto the chair. I know he's just trying to be a great boyfriend but I don't want to bother him with this right now. But he did offer and I did wake him up in the middle of the night.

"I just can't sleep." I began to play with the hem of my shorts.

"Babe, those men aren't coming to get you. You're safe." That we know of. For all we know they could've had another boat and escaped off the island before the cops got there. We don't know.

"I don't think it's the fear of them anymore." I lied a tiny bit. "I think it may have something to do with the time zones... Or something. I'm not really sure." I could just imagine him running his hand over his face and yawning.

"Fuck." He swore.

"What happened?" In the background I heard something hit the wall.

"I'm just walking to the kitchen and Lily left one of her toys out." There was silence between the two of us for a couple seconds. Not awkward silence. Like he maybe fell asleep or was trying to think of something to say.

"I really am sorry I woke you up, Dean." I told him, starting a conversation again. Maybe if I keep talking he won't fall asleep. Or hopefully I'll get tired of me talking that I just fall asleep.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind."

"Just talk to me. Tell me a story or something and I might fall asleep."

"Are you saying that I'm boring?" I laughed and shook my head.


"You're lucky you're cute." I blushed.

"So have you tried your new game yet?" I reached over and grabbed my water bottle.

"Just for a few minutes. It's good so far. Better if you would play with me." I took a small sip of the water.

"Maybe this afternoon?"

"I like the sound of that." I'm excited to play this stupid game of his with him. I mean I did owe it to him. He was dragged around the mall watching me try on clothes. I'm sure he didn't mind it when he was in the changing rooms, but still.

"You know what I like the sound of?" I leaned my head against the side of the chair.

"Uhhh... Your constant phone reminders cause you're so busy?" I laughed and stood up. I was getting uncomfortable and wanted to stand.

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