Chapter 39

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Hey everyone!! Sorry for such a long wait, but I hope you enjoy!! :)



"Ok so you two will go to the high school together. After you get your diplomas we will go out to dinner. You two can then go out and party." 

"No sex!" Dad yelled. 

"You do realize that it's Dean and Aria right?" Nora told him. "They're like bunnies." I glared at her and she shrugged. Mom looked at her. "What? I hear them all the time."

"Oh my god." 

"What's sex?" Dean asked. I smiled but wiped it off my face when he looked at me. I crossed my arms and turned away. I know I was being a child, but right now I didn't care. 

"Hush Dave!" Mom told dad with a smile. "When you get back get a good nights rest because us girls are going dress shopping while you guys are going to get fitted." Mom told Dean and I. LeeAnn fixed Dean's tie and then looked at me.

"You two look perfect." She squealed. "Oh come on you two! Today's a big day." I sighed and grabbed my gown and cap. 

"I'll be in the car." I muttered. 

"It was just a little fight." Mom said loudly before I could shut the door. I walked out to the car and waited for Dean.

Last night we argued for quite some time. I know it will blow over but it just sucks being mad at him. It was a stupid fight anyways.

Its been a hectic couple of weeks. Mom and LeeAnn can't stop talking and planning about the wedding. Dean and I had finals to take last week. We were stressed and just started fighting.

Dean threw his cap and gown in the backseat then started the car. This was going to be a long ride. I reached over and turned the radio on. 

The ride was silent until he reached over and grabbed my hand. His thumb ran over my skin and I turned to him.

"I'm sorry." He said after kissing my hand. "We shouldn't be mad at each other today."

"So am I." 

"I think we can both agree that it's been stressful." I nodded. "Everything was just piling up and we exploded." I looked over to him. 

"I didn't mean what I said." I told him quietly. Last night I turned into the ultimate bitch and told him I didn't want to marry him and a whole bunch of other things. It was not pretty. 

"I know, beautiful. Neither did I." He parked in his usual spot then leaned over to kiss me. "I hate fighting with you." He whispered running his thumb over my cheek. 

"You know that there will be a lot-" He cut me off with a kiss.

"Lets worry about that when they come." I smiled and put my forehead to his. 

"I like the way you think." He chuckled.  Before we could move Sophie opened my door and Isatu opened Dean's. 

"Lets graduate bitches!" Sophie yelled and pulled me out of the car. 

"I say we skip dinner and go party." Dean whispered in my ear after I hugged my family. He kissed the spot under my ear. 

"We can't."

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