Chapter 5

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Love, El


I rolled over to see Dean's sleeping figure. His brown hair was across his face. His pink lips were parted as soft snores escape. His back and arm muscles are toned; something you can't really tell when he wears a shirt. You know how many girls would kill to be-.

"Stop staring." He mumbled, interrupting my thoughts.

"I-I wasn't." I lied, caught of guard. He opened his eyes and a small smile played on his lips. I would be lying of I said I didn't have a little crush on Dean. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe its because he has bee dong a couple nice things for me over the past couple of days. But after he shut me out and acted as if I never existed, a bit of me hates him.

"Can we? Please?" Lilly asked her father tugging on his shirt. Steve laughed and picked her up.

"Nora would you mind taking Lilly to the play area?"

"I was actually going to go to the teen's party." Nora said, rudely walking away. She walked down the hall to her new friends.


"Going to the party." He walked away in t he opposite direction of Nora.

"I will, Steve. I wasn't planning on going to the party." I smiled and Lilly jumped down and grabbed my hand. LeeAnn thanked me. My parents and Dean's parents walked away towards the adult party. I looked down to Lilly.

"Come on, Air!" She pulled me down the hall.

When we got to the kiddy area she let go of my hand and ran to the games. Tonight there were parties for every age group. Apparently, these parties take place every Friday night.

I pulled out my book from my purse. I flipped to the page I was on and began reading.

"Reading and not watching my little sister?" I looked up and Dean sat next to me.

"At least I'm actually watching her. Instead of going to a party."

"It was dumb, anyways." He replied, spreading his legs out and resting his arms on the back of the bench. I looked him over, then started reading again. Dean began poking me. I slapped his hand away, only for it to come back. This time I ignored it. If he does not stop-.

"What?!" I yelled. The kids and advisors looked to us. Two older ladies gave us disgusting looks and went back to talking. I closed my book and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked grabbing my wrist.

"Anyway from you." I pulled my wrist from his grasp. He always has to embarrass me in some way. It's annoying and he needs to stop. We are sixteen years old, not five.

He can watch Lily for a little while. I just can't right now. Dean was getting on my last nerve.

I searched my purse again. I groaned and threw my head back. Dean and Nora had a key. No one gave one to me. I don't know why, I'm the most responsible one, even with those two combined.

"Lovely." I sighed and walked to the main floor. A couple of the people working on the boat nodded as I passed them. I got to the back and laid in a lounge chair. I heard the faint music from the teen party, other than that it was a beautiful night. The stars were shining brightly, it wasn't too hot out right now, and the sound of the waves were nice.

This is relaxing. No drama. No worrying about any tests or having to plan something. Just the worry of accidentally falling off the side and into the shark infested water.

I smiled to myself and crossed my ankles. If I could live like this every night, I would.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled when someone lifted me up from the chair.

"It's almost two in the morning."

"That explains so much." I said sleepily and sarcastically. Dean softly laughed.

"You've been out here for a couple hours." I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

"And?" I mumbled.

"Nothing." I yawned. This is a great time to check him out. I opened my eyes to see his tan, soft looking skin. Around his neck he had a few beauty marks. I loved them, I have ever since we were kids. Above his eyebrow was a tiny scar. It wasn't noticeable unless you knew it was there and tried looking for it.

I remember exactly how it happened. We were seven at the time when he got it. The two of us were in his room playing with some toys. One way or another we began to throw his hot wheels at each other. At the time we didn't think it was a bad idea, but now I realize that one of us could've been seriously injured. The result of it was that little scar.


"Huh?" I asked looking at him.

"Stop staring at me." For some reason it sounded as if he were pissed.

"You have become mean." I mumbled. Next thing I knew I was onto the cold, hard floor of the boat. "What the hell!" I yelled to Dean, as he kept walking away.

"Maybe you should shut your mouth." He said loud enough for me to hear. Why would he do that? I was just looking at him. I don't understand him sometimes.

"You are a dick!" He ignored me and turned the corner. I got up and slowly walked back to the room. Well now I won't be able to sleep.

I entered the room to Lily sleeping, Dean on his bed listening to his music, and Nora on her tablet.

"Air, you're bleeding." Nora said after I put my hair up.

"What?" I asked. She jumped down the bunk bed and handed me a mirror. I turned my back to the main mirror and faced the little mirror to the big mirror. Shocked I slowly felt the back of my head.

"Ow." I pulled my hand away and brought it in front of me. The red substance covering my fingers.

"What happened?" Nora asked grabbing a baby wipe and cleaning the blood from my neck.

"How is- what happened?" Mom asked coming in to check on us. I looked to Dean and he was staring at me. "Aria Nicole!" Mom said grabbing my shoulders. I opened my mouth to tell her something, but was cut off.

"I did it. I dropped her on the floor and she hit her head." I stared at Dean as my mom went on about how some day we were going to kill each other. The nurse side of her came out and she began examining my head.

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