Chapter 29

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As usual I found myself daydreaming again during the middle of a class. It didn't help that this was my math class. I suck at math. I don't understand any of it. Okay well some parts I understand, but most of it I have no idea what's going on. So this daydreaming has been going on since senior year started and it hasn't helped.

"Aria?" I looked a up to Mr. Jenkins. God, here he goes. He's going to yell at me or ask if I can give him the answer.

"Yes?" I asked sitting up straighter. He leaned against his desk and crossed his arms. Now Mr. Jenkins was a nice looking dude. He was in his late twenties and hot, but sometimes he wasn't the coolest.

"Can you tell us what you got for number fifteen?" I looked down to my homework to see that I hadn't done that one.

"I-I um actually haven't done that one because I didn't know how to."

"Can anyone help Miss Gordon?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes. I looked down to my papers, beginning to pick the side of my thumb.

I looked at the clock as someone spoke about what they got on the number. Will this day ever end?

I shut my locker and shook my head at Isatu, Faith, and Sophie.

"Dean and I have plans. I can't." Faith sighed with an eye roll.

"You two have a date basically every night. Why can't you just give up this one? It's the premier for crying out loud!" Sophie gave her a weird look and then looked to me.

"She is right though. I mean one night won't hurt."

"It's a special-"

"DEAN!" Faith yelled and motioned for him to come over to us. He walked away from his friends and to us. He smiled to me and kissed my nose before looking to my friends.

"What's going on?" He then asked looking to me. He looked down to my hands and noticed my thumbs. He gave me a questioning look, but I looked back to my friends.

"They want me to ditch you and go to a movie premiere tonight."

"Ditch me?" He asked snaking his right arm around my waist.

"That isn't what we said." Isatu said. I looked back to Dean, who was smiling down at me.


"If you want you can. I'll just tell my dad and LeeAnn you can't make it." He whispered. "What?" He asked when I raised my eyebrows.

"This isn't something that I should miss, Dean."

"They will understand, babe." They may understand, but I'll feel guilty.


"So she can?" Sophie asked.

"She doesn't need my permission." He told her and then looked at me like my friend was crazy. She kind of was, but it adds something to our group.

"Ok so we will pick you up around 6:30. Got it?" Faith told me. Before I could answer they split up and went out of the school.

"I can't cancel on your parents like that." I told him.

"They understand, Air. It will be fine. Just go have fun with your friends."

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, pissing off many people. Dean grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side so we wouldn't get trampled.

"Is everything alright?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asked and pushed back a piece of my hair.

"Because you're acting weird." He sighed and then kissed me. I relaxed and stepped closer to him.

"Everything is fine, baby girl." He said then kissed my forehead. "Just have fun tonight."

"I love it when you call me that." Dean chuckled and kissed me one last time before we walked out to his car.

"You realize that this isn't the movies right?" I said as Sophie pulled up to a house. The music was up as loud as it could go, people were everywhere, and red solo cups were on the lawn.

"We are fully aware." Faith smiled. Sophie parked down the street and we exited the car.

"Why the hell are we here then?"

"Because we deserve a little girl's night out." This? This is a girls night out? I don't want to be here partying it up. I would rather be at Dean's house getting ready for Steve and LeeAnn's big dinner.

"I don't want to be here."

"Because Dean isn't here?" Faith asked. I gave her a look and she started towards the house again.

"Just an hour?" Isatu asked. "For me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because you need to get over that dick." I grabbed her hand and led her inside.

My friends were beyond drunk and I had no clue where they were. I searched the entire house for them and there was no sign. I even walked in on a hook up. Talk about disgusting.

"It looks like you need a drink." A guy said to me. I pushed the cup away.

"Nah, I'm fine." I took a couple steps away from him.

"It's just a beer." Doesn't he understand that I want nothing to do with him?

"I'm not drinking tonight."

"Well what are you doing tonight?" Asked asked and pinched my ass. I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm not doing anything tonight. Now if you'll excuse me." I turned and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. I winced in pain. Surely there would be a bruise of some sort there tomorrow. When he didn't let go I made sure to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the ground, hands over his dick.

"Keep your hands off me, pig." I yelled over the music. I then turned away and walked to a different part of the house.

This is why I didn't like going to party's without Dean next to me.

"Wait aren't you Dean's girl?" Some guy asked.

"And?" I swear to god. If this kid tries something too I'm going to flip out. I just want to find my drunk friends and get the hell out of here.

"I'm Dean's friend, Shane. We met at a party." I nodded and gave him a smile.

"Can you help me find my friends?"

"Anything for my buddies girl." I nodded and explained to him what they looked like. It took almost twenty minutes just to get all of them together. Shane had to chase Isatu around the kitchen. She said she didn't want to go and started to throw a drunk fit so Shane eventually picked her up and put her over his shoulder.

After gathering them into the car, I took them to Sophie's house. Her parents weren't home, just her older brother and some of his friends.

"Zac!" I yelled running into the house. I opened his door to find him and his friends playing video games.

"What do you want loser?"

"Can you help me carry your drunk sister and our friends inside? I can't do it alone and they are shit faced."

"Where the hell did you go?" He asked pausing the game, to which his two friends did not like.

"They picked me up and said we were going to the movies and then we pulled up to a party. They made me go in and this is what happened." He opened the back door and looked at me.

"They run away from me." I shrugged and he groaned. Obviously this wasn't a first time I've had to ask him for help in a situation like this.

"It's not my fault they are idiots."

"Just open the door." He said picking up his sister. "God you reek."

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