Chapter 32

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How was everyone's Fourth of July? If you live in the US. :)




"You sure you're okay?" Sophie asked. I shut my locker and glared at her. "I'm sorry."

"It's been days, Aria. Why don't the two of you talk?" Isatu asked now opening her locker.

That's when I saw him. He was with his friends, crowding the hallway. As his friends were laughing he was staring at the wall.

I missed him. So much.

His eyes then met mine. We held eye contact until Robert nudged him. Dean leaned away from the wall and walked away. Robert looked back to me and gave me a smile.

I looked down to my feet.

I've been trying to not look at him for the past week. It's just too hard not to. Of course I stare at him when I can.

I'm not really sure if he did hook up with that girl or not.

I really hope that this doesn't last because I can't imagine my life without him.

I know what you're thinking. "But you're so young." "He's just a guy, you'll find someone else." But you're wrong. Dean is the one for me. I know it. I have for a long time.

"He doesn't want to talk." I quietly replied, picking the sides of my thumb. I'm not entirely sure how I still have skin on my thumb. I've been picking it non stop since the break up.

"Hey, there's a party tonight. Why don't we go and have a girls night?" Isatu asked changing the subject of Dean. I looked up to her, from my thumb.

"I've got a test next Wednesday that I should study for." I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"Is it the class you're failing?"

"No." I said slowly. The two looked at each other.

"Then you'll pass." Sophie laughed and looped her arm in mine.

"Meet at Air's house around 6?" Sophie asked. Isatu nodded and closed her locker. She squealed and hugged me.

"I'm so excited that you're finally going to get out of the house." She walked away, leaving Soph and I. I looked back towards we're Dean was just a few minutes ago, hoping he came back.

"Look at me." I brought my attention back to my best friend. "If the two of you were meant to be, then it'll work out. Just a little fight." She smiled and I couldn't help but to smile too. "That's my girl."

"Can I talk you?" Robert asked. I nodded and he looked to my friends.

"I'll meet you outside or something." Sophie nodded to me and they walked away.

"What's your side?"

"My side?" I shifted my backpack. "I was talking to my friends about how that whore was flirting with Dean. He showed up and assumed I wanted to break up. When I went to his house he yelled at me. He said-" I blinked back the tears. Robert pulled me in for a hug.

"You two need to talk. You both said things you didn't mean."

"You don't understand." I pushed myself away from him. "He doesn't want to see me, Rob."

"There's a party tonight-"

"I'll be there."

"Good, because so will Dean. Do you need a ride home?" I shook my head.

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