
18 1 0

I'm falling
falling, falling, falling,
deeper and deeper down.
I can't keep myself from falling,
even if I try so hard.
I do.
But there's the wind in my hair,
the landscape rushing around me,
the only thing I can see is blurry lights.
I'm falling
and it feels good.
It really does.
Not feeling gravity, being weightless.
I'm feeling free, careless.
It's not in my hands anymore, no responsibility on me.
Yes, I took the first step but everything after that?
Not my fault.
I'm falling,
deeper and deeper down
and it feels good.
Yet it is scary.
Because the floor moves closer
and closer
and closer
and one day I'll hit the ground.
Suddenly and without a warning.
I'll never know when it's going to happen.
Could be every second from now on.
Or maybe now.
I don't know.
But what I know is that I will hit the ground eventually, sooner or later.
And when this happens,
I'm afraid I'm the only one lying on the floor, feeling nothing but the adrenaline still remaining from the fall.
I'm afraid I'm the only who was falling, because I don't want to be the only one.
Even though it felt good.
So good.

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