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you know
when you look at me
I feel seen.

and I'm not just talking about the fact that you're looking at me and therefore seeing me.
no, I mean really seen. heard. understood. loved.
I feel like you are the first person that actually loves me for who I am and really wants to be with me.

and yes, there are these thoughts. the thoughts of losing you and the thoughts of looking back in a few weeks or months or years, reading this text and thinking to myself: "oh dear, you really thought this would last?"
because yes, maybe this is going to happen. maybe I'll look back one day and ridicule myself for what I've written about just another person in my life that eventually left.

but maybe not.
maybe you're not this kind of person.
maybe you're going to stay.

I don't know.
but it'll be alright, either ways.

I will still enjoy every single second with you because you just make me so incredible happy and because of you I finally feel seen.
like, genuinely seen.

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