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Sometimes we don't know how to decide,
we don't know what to do
or where to go.
Sometimes we struggle,
we have problems
and we don't know how to get out of this situation.
But please
always remember that you have to keep going.
It doesn't matter if it's only a tiny step or if you're taking a step backwards sometimes. It's alright. But don't stay in the same place where you are now.
Keep moving, keep trying, that's all you can do.
You don't want to stay in a desperate or uncomfortable situation, do you?
So move and keep moving until you're in a better place.
And I promise, better times are ahead of you,
you just have to get up and start chasing them.
You got this, and if you don't believe in yourself, I do.

poetrythunderstormWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt