good at it

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do anything you want to do, even if you think you're bad at it

write bad poems
draw messy pictures
start this workout even if you won't finish it
sing out of tune
take weird photos
bake this cake you always wanted to try but were too afraid it would turn out ugly

because what if it does?
what if all these things aren't perfect
and what if you aren't good at any of these?

you still did them
and you enjoyed doing them
so why should it matter how they turn out?
it doesn't

do anything you want to do
because life is too short to wait for the perfect moment
or for when the time is right
or for the day when you are better at this or good enough for that

because this time
this exact moment
probably doesn't even exist

so do it while you can
no matter how good or bad it eventually turns out

we're here to live
not to be good at it

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