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"Maybe becoming a poet means writing things in hope to give others consolation without realizing that you need it just as much as anyone else."

This is a quote I once read on Instagram.

I personally can relate to that sentence, because when I first started to create this "book" (or however you want to call it) I thought I was only writing my texts to inspire and motivate other people out there. I thought I was writing down my thoughts just because I wanted to share them with others.
But after some time I realized that I am actually writing because I need it. I need it to clear my mind and to feel better afterwards. I need writing to calm down, to motivate myself and to express myself.
Of course it's a nice side effect if someone of you out there actually reads my texts and feels inspired by them.
But I feel like I need the motivation and 'consolation' of my words (so to say) just as much as anyone else.

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