younger me

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my 7 year old self would be happy to see that I'm still friends with my kindergarten and elementary school friends

my 8 year old self would be disappointed that it never turned out that I'm adopted and actually a princess

my 9 year old self would like me for still having pets and caring for them just as much as I used to when  I was little

my 10 year old self would be shocked that I've ever struggled with negative thoughts

my 11 year old self would be glad that I'm still into music and playing my instruments

my 12 year old self would be crushed to hear about the passing of a very close person but proud of me that I still somehow manage to deal with it

my 13 year old self would thank me for now knowing my boundaries and the ability to say no

my 14 year old self would be surprised that I've ever found a boyfriend

my 15 year old self would be proud of the progress that I made along my „self-love journey" and that I don't hate myself anymore

my 16 year old self would be relieved that I've found really good friends at my new school all alone

my 17 year old self wouldn't believe that I moved out and currently live abroad 2000km away from home by myself

my 18 year old self would be glad that the work payed off and I graduated school so successfully

my current self is just really proud of all of my past selves and everything that I've achieved until this day

I've seen this „trend" on social media where you list things that your past self would be proud or surprised of about your current life.
I think that's kinda cute so I wanted to try that myself. :)
Sometimes we all need to take a moment and realize how far we've already come, instead of always just trying to become better and setting higher expectations and goals. Someone once told me that we were allowed to look back and be proud of ourselves once in a while and to appreciate all the things we've already figured out. And I think this person was absolutely right about it.
What is something your younger self would be proud of if they met you now? <3


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