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when was the last time you were alone?

actually there are a lot of situations where we are alone.
in the car on your way home from work,
cooking dinner when no one else is home,
in the evening watching netflix on your own,
or just scrolling through your phone.

so when was the last time you were alone?
but like, completely alone.
alone with your thoughts
your feelings
and just yourself.

because actually
there are few situations when we are completely alone.
not just not with other people
but also not distracted.

when you're on your way home or in the shower or just by yourself
you're maybe listening to music, reading, watching, doing anything
anything but thinking your own thoughts
and dealing with them.

I get it
I really do
I love being alone
but I hate being alone with my thoughts.

and yes, sometimes it's okay to distract yourself
it's okay to take a break from your own thoughts
and it's okay to not want to think sometimes
it's not healthy to overthink everything and I know that

it's okay to distract yourself
but if that's what you always do
if you can't even live without distraction anymore
if you always do anything else than just dealing with your own emotions
it's not healthy either

maybe sometimes we need to be alone
alone with our thoughts
so we can reflect and rethink and just deal with everything.

if we're always distracted we will probably still feel "better" one day
but we didn't actually get over it
we just covered up and eventually
sooner or later
it will come back again
I promise it will
and it will be so much worse.

so yes
being alone and dealing with your thoughts is uncomfortable
but also inevitable
if you actually want to get better.

you'll get through this
I believe in you.


inspired by emma chamberlain's podcast :)

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