to live

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'stop worrying about if they like you, do you even like them?'

why do we always care so much whether other people like us or not?
why do we care about being liked by people we don't even like back?
why do we need constant approval from others to feel good enough?
and why is our own opinion of ourselves not enough, just for once?

sometimes we change ourselves so much for others to like us, until we don't recognize ourselves anymore.
we try so hard for people who care so little and after the relationship or friendship failed - which it usually does if we try to be someone we aren't - we blame ourselves and wonder why we weren't good enough.
when in reality, we were good enough. it was just the wrong person.

because actually you are always enough, no matter what you're achieving or doing.
you don't need to try so hard to be liked.
you are enough, any way.
you are enough when you're successful, or not.
you are enough when you achieve something, or not.
you don't need to impress others.
the right people will be impressed by you already, without you doing anything 'special'.
it's you who is special.

and especially if it's a person you don't even like:
why do you care?
you don't need to be liked by everyone and especially not by people who you don't even like.

life's too short to constantly worry about if other approve with your decisions and opinions or not.
in the end it doesn't matter, so do what makes you happy (without harming yourself or others)
because that's when you stop only existing and truly start living.

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