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ok so hear me out.
Today in school I was thinking about how amazing it is to exist and to be able to LEARN.
I mean we can learn how to dance, how to cook, how to draw, sing, play any instrument we'd like or how to ride a horse.
And we can even learn a whole new language, even sign language, and languages with other letters.
No, that's not it already, we can learn how to treat other people or how to handle certain situations and how to help and support others and we can learn how to learn, how to improve what we are doing and how to make the best cookie recipe ever.
From the beginning on our life is based on learning. We learnt the simplest things like sitting, walking, eating, speaking and then we continued and learned how to write and read and we even learned how to adapt to certain situations like being in school or being kind to strangers and helping people if they are in need.
And then most of us probably started a hobby or a sport or just a passion that we are doing regularly since, for example baking or playing football or writing. And even if we aren't the best in this certain thing, we still keep practicing the piano every day and keep going to basketball practice twice a week because it just fills us with joy to see even the smallest improvements and just doing what we love.
And no that's still not all, because we can also learn about serious topics like racism and sexism and climate change or any other issue on this planet and we can collect so many information, we just need to search in the internet or in a book or ask experts. Not only does it make you so much smarter, but researching about certain topics will also make our planet a greater place, because it is so important to have education and informed people to fight against unfair and dangerous issues.
So yes, today I realized how amazing learning is and that we should never stop learning and improving and trying.
Because even if you are 32 you can still start learning Spanish and if you're 27 you can still find a new sport like doing yoga or if you're 73 you can still keep cooking and baking and eventually you will create the perfect recipe for your chocolate cake.
Moreover, I think that we never learned enough because there's still so much information and skills and languages out there we have no idea about so if you ever stop learning it's not because there's no more to learn, but you decided to just quit and stay where you are.
But staying where you are is never going to push you out of your comfort zone into places where you are the happiest and living your best life.
So yes, I hope I will always keep learning and will never stop.

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