Far From Reovery

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Katy's P.O.V.

I haven't talked to anyone since I woken up.  Not even Dante.  I spend my time laying on my side, avoiding my wounded neck and shoulder.  I stared at the window for hours.  Mom and Dad finally left in an hour after I stopped crying and refused to speak to them or Dante.  After they left, my friends came and visit me around mid after noon.

"Hey, pretty, lady," said Alexis when she came in the room with the smile.  I stared down at a blank paper of my drawing pad.  Drawing pencils and coal rested by my hip.  Dante sat in the chair next to my bed.

Dante looks up at her and walks up and greats her with a hug along with the rest of the group.  "So glad you guys came after work," he said.

Alexis smiles.  "Not a problem."

Kyle came in the room next, holding a bouquet of flowers.  He looked at me with a smile.  When I didn't smile back or look at him, he looked at Dante in sorrow.  "How long was she like this?"

Dante sighed and looked at me then back at them.  "Since she found out about the attack.  She never spoken to me or her parents since then nor ate." He looks back at them, "What you ever do, don't mention about the attack or say W-O-L-F or show her one."

"She scared?" Olivia asked as she came in the room with balloons.  

Dante nodded.

"So, should we hide these?" I heard Ben's voice.  I looked up from my blank note pad and saw everyone with flowers, balloons and . . . . Ben and Danny carrying a stuff red wolf.  My inner wolf breed.

I screamed as I tossed my notepad away along with my drawing utensils, scooting away from everyone.  Dante quickly moved them away.  "Get rid of it now!" he yelled as the nurses came in the room, grabbing me and holding me to the bed.

"No!" I screamed as I struggled against them as they bring a syringe needle close to me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dante cried as he got closer to me, pulling the nurse with the needle away from me.

"Sir, please," said one of the nurses, "we gotta stable her."

"By sticking a needle at her?" Dante cried.

It was already too late.  The needle was already in my arm and my world was starting to get dark, falling deeper into sleep.

Dante's P.O.V.

Katy has been drifting in and out of her sleep.  Screaming about the attack when she wakes up and whimpers in her dreams.  I staid by her side, trying to comfort her when she's awake and asleep, but Katy couldn't never stop being terrified from the attack.

On the day she supposed to head back home, I left early to clean out any wolf stuff that she left in our apartment.  Ease her a bit from her torments.  I packed all the pictures or any writing she did, articles she collected of wolves in one box, any books, fiction or none in another box, and all her stuff animal wolves in a bag.  I even did the same of mine.  It killed me to pack the things she loved and hide them away for her, but I don't want her torments to get worst.  

In our bedroom, I placed any jewelry in a smaller zipped up bag then put them in my drawers so I don't lose them, then packed the blankets that has wolves on them in another big bag.  Heading out of the room, I hit my leg against my nightstand, knocking the velvet box off of it.  I stared at it and opened it, staring at the item inside.  "Now how can I ask her the question . . . ." I asked myself then sighed as I placed the box back in the drawer of my nightstand.

I sighed again as I leaned over and rest my hands on the back base of my head.  My phone went off for a message.  I set up and grabbed it from the stand and looked at it.  

It was from Katy's mother.

"From Carrie Ling"

"Katy's getting out in an hour.  You want me and Trevor to bring her home or do you want to get her?"

I took in a breath and let it out then text back.

"No.  I'll get her.  I'm almost done with the apartment anyway.  Tell Katy that I love her."

I got up and and stretched out my back, finished what I was doing then left the apartment.

~~~~Time laps~~~~~ Arriving at the apartment with Katy

On our way back home, Katy barley talked to me.  She just sat there in the passenger seat, staring out at the window, looking lifeless as she haled the flowers she received from her guest in the hospital.

Couple times I would look over to her, but she never looked at me or even smiled.  My heart acked to see her like this.  All I want is to see her smiling face again.  I sighed and took in a breath.  "So . . . " I said, trying to strike an conversation with her, "It'lls be you first time back home after a few days."  I smiled as I looked at her.  Katy never looked back at me or said anything.  I took in another deep breath and think more in what to tell her.  Then I smiled and looked at her for a second from the road.  "Hey, how about we go out for dinner?  We haven't done that in awhile.  How about we go to Burger King?  I'll buy two chicken sand-witches that you always like."

Katy still didn't say anything.  She just leaned against the window, resting her head against it as I drove.  I sighed and continue driving back home, gripping the staring wheel tight in anger.  Why can't I comfort her?

When we got back to the apartments and in our home, I watch Katy slowly walking in our home, looking around, like she's remembering where everything is at.  I stood by the door, watching her as I held her get well gifts that she never opened and her balloons. 

Katy just stood there at the living room, looking like in the daze.  I sat down all her stuff on the counter and slowly go to her, trying not to scare her.  "I took all your wolf stuff and hid them away so you don't get scared every second from seeing them." I told her, "They'er in the closet if you ever ready to see them again.  I hope things will be normal until then."

I saw Katy tremble like she's scared or crying.


I knew I shouldn't mention that.

Katy looked at me with tears falling from her brown eyes.  "Dante . . . . " she whimpers.

I ran to her and held her close to me as she cried against my chest  "It . . . . It'll never be normal.   Never!!" She screamed as she sobbed hard.

I closed my eyes and rubbed her back.  That's all I can do for her now.  Her recovering from the wolf attack is far from my reach to help her now.

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