Drunken Terror

19 1 0

Dante's P.O.V.

I woken again from the sound of my phone going off for a call as I groan in annoyance and in pain from my headache. Slowly, I rolled over and grabbed my phone to see who called me. Again.

Alexis' name shown across the screen as my vision blur back up.

I groan again as I tossed my phone back on the table and grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels on the side of me, taking a big drink from it.

It's been three days since after Halloween.

Three days since Katy turn me down from my proposal.

Three days since I came home and drunk my pain away from whisky.

My phone goes off again as I ignored it while laying back on the couch. All I want now is some time alone so I can forget about Katy. I would have called for a hooker and had some fun to push her out of my mind, but for some reason, I couldn't.

So instead, on my way back home after I got dumped from Katy, I swung by the closets liquor store that is open, buy ten big bottles of Jack Daniels and drank them down until I was numb. But I still continue drinking it.

My phone goes off again as I groan again, grabbing my phone and chucked it across the room. "Fuck off!" I roared then grabbed the bottle and took a big swallow from it. Soon after my phone smashed against the wall, I heard a knock at the door.

I groaned, as I stared at the ceiling, "You have got to be kidding me." I whispered trying to be quiet, hoping the person will go away.

Another knock rattled against my door fallowed by a voice. "Dante. It's Ben,open the door."

I still remain quiet, taking in another drink from the bottle. He'll go away eventually.

"Dante, I know you are in there. Open the door or I'll come in." Ben called.

I chuckled. There's no way he can get in. I locked it the moment I got home. But a moment later, I stared at Ben glaring at me with his fist on his hips. "You've got to be kidding me. I had a feeling you would be doing this, but I never expected of you actually drinking whisky."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him as I lift him the bottle. "Want some?" I smirked. "How did you get in here? The door was locked."

"Katy gave Alexis a copy of her keys in case of an emergency." Ben growled and snatched it from me, looking at the bottle then back at me while showing the bottle at me. "You fucking wanker. You think this will solve anything?"

I glare back at him and tried to snatch the bottle back, but missed as I clumsy fallen back to the couch. "Fuck off, Ben. I'll do what I want." I growled, "You didn't get your heart broken recently."

Ben rolled his eyes. "We found Katy, by the way. She's safe in Alexis' place from what I gathered."

I snorted as I reached out and snatched the bottle back from Ben. "Good for her," I said and took a drink, sitting back. "Though I kinda figured that she will come back to Alexis' place anyway. Knowing her." I rolled my eyes at the end then leaned my head back, letting the buzz kick in on me.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Ben snapped, "Are you at least worried about her? Wondering why she did that?"

"Nope," I responded without a beat as I took another drink and swallowed it. Though deep down, I am worried and wondering why she acted like that. For two years on being with her, four years since we first met, I know Katy would never act like that unless there was a reason behind it.

Ben rolled his eyes again as he stared at me in disbelief. He went to say something but was cut off when his phone gone off playing one of the songs his band played. He pulled it out and looked at it then looked at me, pointing at me. "Don't move. I'm not done with you yet."

I rolled my head back down looked at him, playing a mocking innocent look on my face, "Yes, Daddy dearest."

Ben rolled his eyes and answered his phone putting it on speaker. "Ey, babe. I found him. He's trash -"

"Ben! Help!"  Alexis screamed.

I raised an eye brow as I stared at Ben as he looked at his phone in terror. "Alexis! What's going on?" He yelled.

"Roman!" Alexis yelled. "He's here and after Katy!" As snarl came from a back ground along with screams and Katy yelling people to get back.

I sat up in alert when I heard Roman's name and Katy's along with Katy's voice sounding like she's fighting him.

"You've got to get here, Ben!" Alexis screamed as she shrieked in terror along with another snarl of a dog and a bark. "Katy, no!"

"Alexis?" Ben yelled at his phone, but hears nothing but screams and sounds of dogs fighting as it gone in a silent. "Alexis!"

The phone was silence. Nothing. Not even a whisper or a breathing sound.

I shrugged as I sat back, trying to force back the worried feeling of Katy being in trouble. "Shit, man. Sorry to hear on that." I said as I took another drink, but Ben snatch that from me and threw it across the room, smashing it against the wall. I stared at him in shock. "The fuck, Ben! I was drinking that!"

"Get the fuck up," Ben growled. "You are coming back with me."

I smirked at him. "Fuck off. I'm staying here." I said as I leaned back on the couch, resting my arms on the back like it's my throne. But Ben growled ferociously and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "The fuck!"

"You're coming with me, even if it's against your bloody will," Ben growled as he dragged me across the room and out of the aparment. "Katy is in trouble and I'm not having you sit your drunken ass and not do anything on it."

I struggled against his grip to break free, but I'm too drunk to fight. "Let me go!"

"No!" Ben growled as he dragged me to his car and threw me in through the driver side with him behind him and started the car, speeding his way back to Alexis as I sat there like a prisoner.

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