New Home

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Katy's P.O.V.

 Work was nothing but work for me. Same thing over and over again. I keep hearing stories that the wolves are roaming around the area. Even at my work. I did my best to calm myself when I heard some the guys saying that they would take time from work and hunt them.

I didn't like the thought of it.

Nor do I like the thought that the wolves are roaming close to towns. It's never like them from what I read in my research. Normally they stick close to the forest for their prays and shelter for the pups.

Even though Michigan has forest or woods around their towns, but the wolves would try to stay away. But why aren't they doing that now?

I asked myself the same question as I took my break from work. Waiting for Dante to call me when he gets home. I could hear some packs howling as I listen to them. Each howl sounded like a song. I always enjoyed hearing them when I came across a video of them on the computer. I don't even remembering hearing a wolf howl before in the wild or in the zoo. Only coyotes and dogs are all I could remember on the howls

I know deep inside of me there is a wolf. That's how I could connect and know the other wolves so well.

I heard another howl as my heart jump a beat. I could sense my inner wolf inside of me wanting to howl. I try my hardest to control the wolf within me. Yet . . . it's been hard.

~~~~Time laps~~~~~ After Work

 "Dante didn't call me around my brake. I guess he was busy with his job and didn't bother to take a break and lost track of the time. I really don't give a care since I'll be seeing him," I said to Olivia when I called her after work, heading to my car.

Olivia was a little buzzed, but not as bad as what I thought it would be. I can easily hear her slur a bit on the phone. "I don't know. You know him then I do."

I sighed as I go through with my purse to get my keys. "Yeah, you're right. How is the party going?"

"Okay, but it's over now. Kyle took Liz home and it's just me and the love birds."

I hear a cry in pleasure in the background as I figured what it is then heard Olivia whimpering. "You sure you can't come over first and keep me company?"

I laughed. "Hell no. I don't want to scar too. Why don't ya call your boyfriend Danny and do what they are doing?"

"Ew, Katy you - " When Olivia went to curse me out, I heard something behind me and turn to look on what I heard.

I parked my car by the woods in a bad hobbit of crowded parking and didn't mind the walk, but it was a week from the last time I parked here. I took the week off from work to pack up my room for the moving and didn't know about the wolves. They arrived around my work when I was gone.

When I looked behind me to the forest, I didn't see anything but darkness and the shape of the trees. And it was quiet. Complete silence. Not even a distance howl from the wolves. I took in a breath to calm myself and go back unlocking my car and listing to Olivia cursing at me still.

"Ey, Olivia, I got to. Time to drive," I interrupted.

"I'm not finished with you, Katy Ling!" Olivia shouted with a hint of tease in her voice.

"Shh. You might disturb the love birds mood if you keep shouting," I teased back.

"Oh, my god! Katy!"

With a laugh I said my goodbye and hung up as I opened my car.

~~~~Another Time Laps~~~~  Arriving at Dante's apartment

 I pulled my car into the parking lot across the apartments then sighed in exhaustion from the day while leaning against the wheel after I parked the car. I sighed again then open the door to my car then headed to the apartment. I have been to Dante's apartment before. I know where to go as I held my keys, feeling for the stuff wolf that Dante gave me when we first got together on a Christmas. On the ring of that wolf, held Dante apartment's key. I took in a breath then lean against the wall by Dante's apartment door.

"This day is rough," I mumbled in exhaustion then put the key in the knob and unlocked it then opened the door. "I'm not going to do that again of doing a party before going to work . . . . . "

I sat my keys on table next to the door after I locked it, then walked into the living room, trying to be quite in case Dante is home and asleep. I don't remember or bother look to see if his car is in the lot when I came in.

When I placed my laptop on the couch and ready to take off my sweater, I notice there are candles light and rose petal trails on the floor. I tilt my head in confusion as I fallowed the path. It lead up to the main hall then split to a fork. One path leads to Dante's room as another lead to the bathroom. I chuckled, knowing what Dante has in mind for this.

I moved to his door, making noise to look like I was heading to his room then quietly headed to the bathroom, opening the door and closed it. I smirked for a moment and waited. A few minutes later I heard a shuffle in Dante's room then foot steps to the door. Quietly, I moved to the hall and wait for him to come out of his room, trying not to giggle on my plan.

I heard Dante opening his door then him walking to the bathroom. I grin then tackled him and pushed him to the wall. Greeting him with a kiss.

Dante jumped and grabbed me. I pulled back smiling. "Hi." I grinned.

Dante smiled and holds me as he kissed me back. "Hi," he said back.

I continue to smile as I wrapped my arms around his shoulder then around his neck. "I'm home."

Dante smiled as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Welcome home, my love."

We lean into each other and kissed deeply. I heard Dante breathing in as our lips connected then felt his mouth opened, brushing his tongue against my lips. I blushed as I opened my lips for him. We made out for a moment then I felt Dante grabbing me then lift me up to carry me into his room. I held on to him tight so he won't drop me. Our kiss became more deeper with tint of lust and love. My mind blurred for a moment as I felt something soft under my back

I opened my eyes and looked at the man I love. Dante is over me as I laid on his bed. He smiled then lower himself to me and kissed me. "You're so beautiful," he whispers between kisses as he kissed my lips, to my cheeks then down my jaw and my neck. I arched my head up to exposed my neck to him.

I could feel Dante tremble against me as his breathing became heavy. I looked at him in worry, hoping that he is okay. Dante was holding back on what we are doing, I saw it in his eyes. I can tell he wants to continue, but he's holding back. Why?

I gently touch his arm. "What's wrong?"

He smiles then gently touches my cheek. "I'm nervous." He chuckled, "Strange, I never been nervous before. Except when we first done this."

I giggled on the memory. He was very scared to hurt me on our first time. Every time I flinched and cried out from being stretched for the first time, he flinches and asked me if I'm okay, should he continue or say sorry when I look like that I'm okay.

I smiled. "Why are you nervous?"

Dante smiles and brushes my hair, looking at them then traces the outline of my face as he looked into my eyes. "Probably because I've been dreaming about this moment of you and me living together since we first got together."

I continue to smile as I held onto his hand. "So have I." I lean to him and gently breathing against his lips, "So have I . . . . ," I whisper then kissed him. Dante kissed me back as he held me close to him, molding his body against mine.

"I love you, Katy," Dante whispered as he pressed his body against mine.

A soft moan got caught in my throat. "I love you too, Dante."

After that night, I new I was home again,but as Dante and I made love for the first time in OUR new home, I heard the wolves howl. Their howls was more different then I heard before on my research and today. I don't even know how to describe it. Something is not right in this world.

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