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Dante's P.O.V.

After Katy disappeared behind the doors of the operating room, all I've done is pasting from one side of the waiting room to the other side.  Carry and Trevor were already sitting in the chairs, huddling close as Carry cried against her husband's shoulder.

Alexis staid close to Ben in another set of chairs.

Olivia and Danny were also sitting at the chairs as well.  Olivia cried in her hands as Danny rubbed her back.

Kyle stood by a wall, watching the door to opened for news on Katy.  Couple times I saw him looking at me.

The room stayed in silents for a long time.  It felt like hours.

Finally, Kyle spoken as he looked at me.  "Dante," I stopped pasting and looked up at him.  "Why don't you sit down for a bit?  You've been pasting for a long time."

I shook my head.  "I don't want to rest.  Not until I get good news about Katy."

Kyle sighed in annoyance.

The officer that I saw before came in the room and looked at us.  "May I speak with Katy's parents?"  He asked.

Carry and Trevor got up and walked to him.  I even walked up to him.  "Who are you?"  I asked him.

The officer looked at me.  "My name is Officer Carl Chake.  I'm the one who brought Miss. Ling here."

"What happened to her?  Who hurt her?" I asked in need of answers.  I want to hunt down the son of a bitch and kill him.

The officer took in a deep breath.  "I'm sorry, sir.  But I'm only allowed to give information's to Miss. Lings parents or family alone."

I lost my temper and went to grab him, demanding for the answers, but Trevor grabbed my arm and held me back.  I looked at him and saw him looking the officer with calm red teary eyes.  "This is Dante Kane.  He is our daughter's boyfriend and close enough to be our son," he told Officer Chake.

"In fact," said Katy's mother, "Everyone here is family to Katy.  Please tell us who hurt, Katy.  Please."

The Officer took in a breath and let it out and looked at all of us then nods.  I felt Trevor's grip loses and pats my arm in comfort.

"About an hour ago, we received a 911 call from a woman who hit a wolf," said Officer Chake.  "But the creature wasn't dead.  When I arrived, I found a larg black wolf devouring Miss. Ling.  I manage to graze it with my bullet, but it run off."

"Oh, god . . . . ," Carry whimpered as she barres her face in her palm.  Trevor closed his eyes in sorrow as he held his wife close.

"Why didn't you do a killing shot?"  I growled as my fist clench in anger.  He grazed the beast that attacked Katy.  He should have killed it.  I should pound his face in for letting the beast go.

"The wolf was guarding her.  If I aim for the killing shot, I could accidentally shoot and kill, Miss. Katy."  The Officer told me.

I sighed in anger and nodded as I relaxed.  He is right.

"Damn." Alexis whispered before she hugged Ben.  Ben rubbed her back as he looked at Danny.

Danny too looked at Ben as he done the same to Olivia.  "This won't be good for Katy if she makes it?"

Kyle closed his eyes and nods.  "This will scar her for life."

Officer Chake looked at them in confusion.  "I'm sorry, I don't understand on what you guys mean.  How will the attack scar her?"  

I looked at him in sorrow.  "Katy . . . she loves wolves.  She was even planning to become a wolf biologist to help save them."

Officer Chake nodded.  "But it looks like she wont be needed to them anymore."

I looked at him in shock as my heart stopped.  "W-What?"

Chake's eyes widen with alert.  "I'm sorry, I meant by the populations of the wolf is increasing fast.  It's strange."

I nodded.  "Indeed it is."

Chake nods as he pats me on the shoulder.  "I hope the best for you and Miss. Katy's family.  But if you need me, contact me.  I'll do my best to help."  He told me as he handed me a card.

I nodded and took the card.  Officer Chake nodded to us all and leaves.

Everyone gone back to their seats, but I turned and looked at Katy's father.  "Trevor, may I speak with you please?  Alone."

Trevor looked me and nods.

Both he and I headed out in the hall and I took a couple steps side to side nervously.  I never done this before to any of my girlfriends' father before I got with Katy.   "Um . . . , Trevor,"   I shove my fist in my paints pocket, feeling the velvet box against my skin.  I grabbed the box before I left the apartments.  I hoped that it will help comfort me on Katy.  I guess having this will help me as Katy's father.

Trevor looks at me.  "Everything alright, Dante?"

I nodded and took a nervous breath.  "Um . . . . I know this is not the right moment, but," I sighed an pulled out the box and showed it to him.  "You think Katy will like it?"

Trevor looked at the box and examines the item inside.  His face was not happy.  I can tell on that. "You are right about this not being in the right moment," he said in a stern tone.  I nodded as I closed my eyes.  "But," I heard him say as his tone lighten up.  I opened my eyes as he handed me the box.  "I know she'll love it.  It'll be fine."  He smiled.

I let out a breath and smiled back.  "Thank you, Trevor."

"Just promise me something." I nodded.  "If Katy makes it through, promise me that you'll keep her safe."

I nodded again.  "I promise.  I'll never let any harm happened to her."

Trevor smiled as I saw a tear forming in his eye.  I went to say something to him, but Carry came out of the waiting room.  "The doctor is done with the surgery," she told us.

Both Trevor and I nodded and headed back inside.  When we got back in, the doctor stood at the doorway to the operating room.  I found my heart racing, hoping to hear good news.

The doctor took in a breath and looked at us.  "She made it through.  Katy is going to make it."

Everyone, even I exhaled in relief.  Trevor and Carry held against each other as did Olivia and Alexis did the same to their men.  Kyle patted me on the shoulder.  I smiled at him then looked back at the doctor.  "Can we see her?"

The doctor nodded.  "She resting now, but you can join her in the room and wait for her to wake.

I nodded and headed into the room that Katy is waiting for me with a smile and tears falling from my eyes.

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