The Sight of Blood

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Katy's P.O.V.

 I drove to work around mid afternoon carefully. More and more wolves have been seen on the side of the road dead. It kinda reminded me of deer hunting season in November when the deer's got killed from running away from the hunters.

Couple times, I heard my phone vibrate for a text or a call, but I refuse to pick it up while I'm driving as always.

While I was driving, my vision started to blur and I quickly shook my head for a second, trying to clear it for a minute so I can pull my car to the side before I get myself in an accident. When I got my car over, I parked it and pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my eyes. "What the hell was that?" I asked myself out loud with my eyes still closed. As I sat there, I heard a long distant howl of a lone wolf and my heart all of sudden stopped beating for a second then beaded again ten times harder, making me flinch and held my chest in pain. "The hell was that all about?" I grunted as I slowly opened my eyes.

When my vision came clear, I saw blood all over the inside of my car. On the steering wheel, the dashboards, the seats, on the mirror and smeared around my windows. I jumped and screamed in terror, trying to get out of my seat-belt and out of my car. But my seat-belt was jammed from being a hammy-down car of my father's. "Oh, gods! Let me out! Please let me out!!" I screamed as I struggled, but when my hands grabbed the steering wheel, I found that the blood was gone. I panted and trembled. "What. . . . What the fucking hell was that??"

I shivered as I held the wheel as I stared down to my phone. Should I call in sick and have Dante come and get me or try to ride this out? Making my decision, I grabbed my phone, finding a text message waiting for me. I looked at my text and found Dante.

From: Dante

"Hey, babe. Just want to let you know that I left for work and I'll be coming home late tonight. Gotta visit Kevin for some bro time. I'll message you when I'm heading back. I love you and good luck at work. *Hugs and kisses* "

I sighed and looked at the clock. Mom and Dad would be at home, well . . . . Mom would be. Dad would probably be asleep, but I don't want them to drive me all away here to get me and drive me to work or bring me back home.

I decided to put my phone down and drive to work.  

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