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Katy's P.O.V.

 I drove into my home town to get to my friend's place. She lives in a forest that's surrounds the town, but not too far in. Couple times I heard my phone go off, but I didn't pay attention since I'm driving. Each time was a text. My phone was on vibrate and when ever it goes off it gives a vibrate 3 times for a text and more then 3 for a call.

Couple times I believe that it could be my father, yelling at me for leaving like I did or try to apologies, but then again.

It could be my mother. She could have come home and my father told her what happened and she might take his side for my actions, but she knows that I'm ready to leave the house. But she wanted me to live in my own home so I know how to take care of myself when I'm on my own or in case me and Dante brake up. But she doesn't know how strong our love is.

One thing I'm hoping is that it could be Dante. I could imagine him being bored before he leaves for his work and text me to tell me that or tell me that he loves me very much and can't wait to see me.

I smiled as I continue to drive then slammed my brakes when I saw a dog run across the road. I let out a loud sharp gasp in fright, this guy is huge. Like big. Bulky. Hugh. I continue to breath hard to calm down as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I flinched then placed my hand over my heart. I had this pain before, but it was back when I was 19. I took a slow steady breath then look out to the road. Remembering the dog. It looked like a husky or something around that family. But I never seen a husky as big as I saw the one that ran across the road. And it was fast. Like I barley saw it when I drove. All I saw was a glimpse of gray and manage to get a good glimpse of it when it was on the other side. I took another breath then grabbed the steering wheel and drove off again.

I manage to get my friend Alexis place and pulled into her drive way. I smiled when I saw her dog ran out and greeted me at the door of my car. "Hey, girl. Did ya miss me?" I said excitedly as I petted her then mess with her ears. Alexis dog yipped happily and tried to get in the car with me, on my lap.

"Ooff! No, Lexie. You can't drive my car,' I grunted as I tried to get her off of me and out of my car.

Lexie got out of my car and wags her tail happily as I reach to the other side to the passenger seat to get my purse then reach back to get my laptop. I got out of the car and locked it then walked to Alexis door and open it. "Mother! I'm home!" I called with a laugh.

Alexis is one of my best friends who's kinda like my mom. She taught me some things that I didn't understand, corrupted me and most likely, she taught me the bands that I love now. If it weren't for her and some of our close friends, I wouldn't be the girl that I am now that made Dante love me.

Another friend of mine, Olivia came running at me and tackled me into a hug. "Katy!" she cried in joy.

I laughed and hugged her back. "Hey, Olivia. What's up?"

Olivia lets go of me and smiled. "You know. The same old, same old."

I laughed again. "Yeah. Where's Alexis?"

"Down stairs. Finishing the decorations."

I nodded. "I should go and help then."

Olivia nods also and leads me to down stairs. "I heard that today is the day you are moving out of your parents' place and to Dante's." She said.

I nodded as I headed down the stairs. "Yeah. Really grateful for that. Dad threw a fit when I said I'm leaving."

"Really? Why?"

I sighed and shrugged. "I guess he's not ready for his little girl to leave."

Olivia shrugs also as we reached the basement. My eyes widen in surprise on the decoration as I'm hearing Asking Alexandria playing. "Whoa. Alexis, I think you over done the decorations," I chuckled.

Alexis looks at me then ran to me. "Katy!' she tackled me into a hug that nearly made me drop my laptop and falling back to the stairs. "Just the girl I need for help."

I looked at her in surprise. "Alexis!" I said in a sarcasm cry, "Why do you need me!?"

Alexis looks at me. "You didn't saw or sense it?"

"Saw or sense what?" I looked at her in confusion.

Olivia looks at both of us then focus on Alexis. "Maybe she's didn't notice about them."

I looked at Olivia in confusion still. "Them?"

"It would be wired if she didn't. Our girl here knows them better then any of our groups," said Alexis as she looks at Olivia.

I sighed then leans against the wall. "Anyone going to tell me what's going on? Time is not on my favor right now." Alexis and Olivia looks at me. "Cause you both know I have work today and to finish heading to my new home."

Alexis sighs. "Remember your research on wolves?" She asked.

I nodded. "They are normally up north to the upper peninsula or to the west of the States. Why do you ask?"

Alexis looks at Olivia then to me in sorrow. "Katy. We know how much you care for them and that you want to save them," she tried to say.

"Alexis. Please tell me. What the nine hells is going on?"

Olivia looks at me. "The wolves are now over populating and there is a pack here in the woods."

I looked at her in surprise. "Really? How can you tell?" I asked.

"We could hear them howling and we caught Lexie almost getting attack by one," answered Olivia again. "We could easily tell by it's shape and it's howl is the same compare to what you studding."

I could not believe what I was listing. Wolves this fare down in Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Expecally in this town. I never came across a record of the wolves being here in my home town.

Alexis looks at me in worry. "Katy, you okay?"

I looked back at her. "Yeah. Why?"

"Cause you look like you're going to faint or something."

I shook my head with a smile. "No. Just wondering. Cause we never had wolves here in this town."

Both of my friends nods. "Yeah. I wonder how they manage to get down here and got over populated," Said Olivia as she scratch her chin in thinking.

I shrugged and stood up more. "Lets worry about that later. We have a birthday to get ready before Kyle get's here with the man of the hour." I throw Alexis a wink in tease as I watch her blush.

"Sh-Shut up, Katy. I don't do that with you and Dante."

I burst out laughing as I sat my laptop on the counter and get the drinks together.

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