Wishful Sorrow

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Roman's P.O.V.

I made my way back to the pack that I've created. It's been so long last I seen so many wolves together. I sat on a rocky hill above the pack, grinning as I watch the wolves that I created from the pathetic human race.

So far, the number of wolves increased from my chosen wolves I've bitten biting other humans. Soon my new pack will be created. If only Katy would see how important she is for me to run the pack.

Although it's true that a pack can only run by one alpha; the alpha male, but I need a mate in order to get an heir so my blood line can continue running this pack.

I closed my eyes as my ears lied back from a distant memory. I remember my father being the alpha to my old pack before the humans killed them. I once had a mate also. She was a pure white wolf. Her fur would be so white that she could blend with with the snow. She died along with my unborn pup.

I growled and looked at the pack again then to the moon. Soon, Katy will be a wolf and just like the changed wolves, her wolf instincts will take over and she'll have no choice but to be my mate. I stood up and howled as the packed join in with me.

Soon. The day will come that the humans will fall.

Katy's P.O.V.

I've nothing but cry since I got back to the apartment. I don't know how long I was crying, but I knew that my eyes will show that I've cried when Dante gets home.

I don't know what to tell him when he gets home. All I do know that he might not believe me. He does believes in the supernatural stuff of spirits and zombies. But werewolves, well shape shiftier wolves is what I call them for the four legged wolves? I don't think that's in his book.

I have to think of something to cover up my melt down. From a old habit, I grabbed the pitcher of my pasted brother, holding it close to me, wishing he was here. Tears flooded my eyes again as I whimpered, "T-Trevor"

Then I heard Dante's voice and within a few minutes, he was in the room. I looked at him as he came to me, worry is written on his face. With tears still falling down my cheeks, I crawled up to him, hoping my plane with my brother's picture would work. Dante held me close as he kissed my head, in silents. I guess it did work. He normally just holds me close and just let me cry when he knows that I'm morning over my brother.

I know that I have to tell him soon about the wolves, but right now isn't the time. I closed my eyes, hearing the pack of wolves howling from a far distance. Like a child hiding away from the monster, I curled up to Dante. "I . . . I love you, Dante"

"I love you too, Katy." Dante whispers.

I closed my eyes, holding him close as I drifted to the endless nightmare that I keep dreaming since I moved here to the aparment.

Dante's P.O.V.

I groans in exposition as I unlocked the door and opened it as I called, "Honey, I'm home!" But when I turn the light on, I saw the aparment looks empty. "Katy?" I called as I threw my keys to the counter, heading towards the living room. The apartment was big, I'll admit; too big for one person. But I knew that Katy would live with me not long after I get it. Plus we had lots of stuff that crowded our rooms back when we lived with our parents. So a big aparment isn't that bad. Expectantly when things get better for us.

When I entered the living room, I still haven't seen Katy. Anxiety rise within me then headed back to our bedroom, but before I called out to her, I found our door closed; listing to her sobs. Gently, I knocked on the door, slowly opening it. "Katy?," I called gently as I poked my head in, finding her curled up into a ball in our bed. "Baby, are you okay?

Katy looked up at me; her eyes swelling red from her tears. "D-Dante . . . " she whimpers as I slowly go to her, being cushion on not to scare her then sat down on the bed as she crawled to me and curls up to me. Next to her, I seen her picture frame of her passed brother. Gently, I held her close to me. Knowing she's having her moment on missing her brother.

"I . . . I love you, Dante," She whimpered against my chest.

I kissed the crown of her head, holding her close to me. "I love you too, Katy."

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