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Katy's P.O.V.

"I want to be with you, you, you," I sang softly as I go through what cloths I have left in my old room while playing Alone by Sleeping With Sirens, "I only want to be with you, you, you."

I smiled as I thought of Dante after I pulled out a shirt and jeans then lay them on the bed next to my uniform for work.

I heard a knock on the door. "One second," I called as I grabbed Dante's sweater to cover myself then made my way to the door and open it. "Yeah?"

My father stood at the door looking like he just woke up and pissed off. "Why the hell do you have that music on so loud?" He snapped.

I couldn't help but move back. I hate getting snapped at. "It's not loud, Dad," I said calmly then looked over to my laptop and see how loud it is. Just barley.

"It is loud, Katy. I can hear it over the TV."

I stopped the music on the laptop then heard his alarm going off. I growled softly in annoyance so he wound hear me. "That's your alarm, Dad," I said calmly.

I looked over and saw Dad, looking back to his room. "Oh. Sorry, Katy," he said then heads there, leaving my door opened.

I rolled my eyes then head to my door and closed it. "Thanks, Dad. I always wanted to get yelled at and have my body exposed to the world," I mocked as I removed Dante's sweater and started to get my cloths on. "Simply can't wait to get out of here," I mumbled as I played Wretched and Divine from Black Veil Brides.

After I got dressed and packed up the rest of my bags of cloths and books, then put my laptop back in it's bag. I looked back in my room that I staid in nearly my whole life, now empty except with the bed and a some stuff that I can't travel in my car. I sighed and form a small smile. "Good bye," I whispered then heading out of my room, grabbing my keys.

Dad looked at me in confusion. "Where do you think your going with those bags?"

I looked at him. "I'm moving into Dante's aparment after work," I responded back.

"When will you be back?" Dad said as he raised an eyebrow. I could sense him being worried on his only daughter being with her boyfriend.

I took in a breath and just said it. "Dad. I'm moving out of the house. Remember?"

"No way you aren't!" Dad raised his voice as he got up. "You are still young and you and Dante not in a relationship that long!"

I took in another breath to calm myself. I'm not going to be talked like this again. This is my chance to talk back and walk away and never come back later. Not for a long time. "I'm 21 years old, Dad. I can leave when ever I want," I said back at him. "Dante and I have been together for a year now. It's time for me to leave."

Dad reached out and grabbed my wrist to prevent me to leave. "You aren't!" He yelled.

I ripped my hand out of his grasp. "You can't stop me! I have to go to work anyway."

Dad looked at me as he's going to hit me. I held my breath in-case he will. But Dad never raised his hand at me. I took my chance on grabbing my bag and leave the house then get into my car. Didn't even bother to say "bye" or "love you" to Dad like I always do when I leave.

After I place my stuff in the back seat and get in my car. I sat there for a moment trembling in fear and anger. I never talk to my father like that before or walk away from him. I could still feel his hand gripping my wrist and looked down at it. There is a red mark on it, but it will fade away to it's normal color and not leave a bruise. Dante will freak out if my father left a bruise on me. Which my parents never did. Sometimes I believed they will when we were fighting, but it never happened.

I took a breath and looked up to the windshield and started the car. It started with click then a hum for starting. I took another breath and put it in drive then slowly pulled out of the drive way. I looked back at the house I grew up in for the last time then to the back yard of it in the review mirror. Staring at a white cross that marked the grave of the family's house cat, no . . . my brother. I grew up with that cat since I was 2. He was put down when I was 19. Just before Dante and I went out. A tear stung my eye, but I held it back.

I took another breath. "Good bye," I exhaled then drove out of the drive way, heading to my friend's place. Starting my freedom on leaving Hell with a party.

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