Coming back

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Katy's P.O.V.

I have been running as fast as I can for a day. Not taking any time to rest or breaks unless I came across a puddle of water to drink. How far did I run away from Alexis' place? I never been this far into her woods before.

But running as a wolf was a lot better then running as a human. It felt like I was flying. I could feel every paw hitting the ground; the sticks and stones never hitting the nerves of my pads under my paw. I could also feel the twigs and thorns of the trees and bushes brushing against my fur, never pulling them out. From there, I felt one with nature.

But I have to time to enjoy it. I have to get to Alexis' place and warn her and everyone about the wolves.

I stopped and stared down at my front paws, breathing heavily with my tong hanging out of my muzzle while having a question popping in my head. How? I'm a wolf now and I can no longer speak human. And how am I going to convince Alexis and Ben not to shoot me?

The only ideas that I have is one thing that I know so well even as a human and what little I told my friends; wolf body language. I have to give that a try while trying to get myself back to my human form. Some how.

I took a breath and start running. Hoping that I'll make it there before it's too late.

By the time the sun was at it's highest peek, I finally arrived at her place. But no one was there. I couldn't see anyone's car. Lexie was in the yard laying next to the door when I got close to the house.

She looked up at me and got up and lower herself for guarding as she growls.

I stopped as I took a step back with my ears perked up in alert. I guess my sent of smell disappeared when I became a wolf. I took at breath and took a hunch on how to convince her not to attack me. Lexie, it's me, I spoken to her like Roman did to me, Katy.

But Lexie didn't move or respond back. I guess it's a wolf thing then on communicating. I stood there with my ears lied back in sorrow as I lower myself to the ground, trying hard to find away to communicate to her and to my friends, but I end up whimpering and closed my eyes.

I begin to think of my old life, being a human, being with everyone I care for, being with Dante. Oh, Dante . . . I'm so sorry, I thought to him, pitching him in my mind.

Then I felt something changing inside of me as I whimpered more and curling into a ball. Something was burring inside of me as I felt pain all over. Pain that seems fermilar but I can't remember when the last time I felt it.

Soon after the pain and the burning feeling gone away, I felt cold all around me then Lexie whimpering and licking me. I opened my eyes and looks up at her. Her ears were up as her tail wagged in excitedly as she licked me. "Lexie, stop." I giggled then stop as soon as I heard my voice. My human voice. With wide eyes I looked down at myself and seen my human body - naked, but I was a human again.

How did I manage to do that?

Without wasting a moment, I cover my chest and quickly made my way to the house. Luckly, no one would see me like this, but as soon as I made my way to the basement door, knowing Alexis always leaves it unlock.

When I got in, I quickly gone to Alexis' room, trying to find cloths to wear to hide my nakedness. Settling with a dress she rarely wears, I looked around the basement and found my purse hiding under the bar just as I last left it. Quickly I go in it and found my phone, finding a lot of text messages and missing calls. Most of them were from Alexis, Kyle, Ben, Olivia, Danny and my parents. None from Dante. My heart ached for a moment as tears threatening from my eyes, but I pushed them back and focus on my main thing. I have to get a hold of Alexis.

Alexis' P.O.V.

I drove around where Katy could have run to. Stupid of me to go to her parents when I heard from Dante muttering on the phone saying that she's not home. Her parents never knew she ran off or that she was planing to break up with Dante. Now they too are worried and out looking for her after hearing that she isn't seen heard from in three days.   Personally, I didn't mean to make them worry or to go after her like we are.

I sighed as I sat back in my car with Ben in the passenger seat looking out the window for Katy and answering my phone when Kyle, Olivia, Danny or Katy's parents calls or texts me. I never heard anything from Dante since after Halloween. Which that's starting to bother me also.

My mind has been all over since after Katy left. She always wanted to be with Dante and bragging about marrying him and have a family. What made her change her mind? This is not normal for her. I known Katy since we were young. She always tells me or Kyle when something is bothering her. Kyle too was shock about her actions and never expected her to do this.

I gripped the steering wheel tight until my knuckles were turning white as I headed into the park in my home town to meet Kyle, Olivia and Danny. I felt Ben's hands over mine as I look over to him for a moment.

Ben was staring at me with concern. "You okay, love?" He asked.

I sighed as I loosen my grip on the wheel. "I'm just . . . . I'm worried, Ben." I finally told as I looked back at the road, pulling into the park as I see everyone out of their cars and talking.

Ben sighed as he sat back too. "I'm worried too, honey. I'm sure Katy and Dante are fine. Dante is probably just passed out drunk right now."

I looked at Ben with concern as I parked the car next to Kyle's. "What do you - ," I went to say until Kyle knocked on the door.

I opened the door and got out of my car, staring at Kyle who's eyes are red from tears and showed fear in them. "Did you find her? Please tell me that you found her. Mom and Dad Ling blew up my phone asking if we found her yet."

I stared at him with sorrow as I shook my head. "No . . . " I said as I looked down at the ground.

Kyle groan as he brushed his hand through his hair. "Where the hell could she be? Katy never acted like this before."

I sighed and looked at my phone when I heard it go off for a text. My eyes widen from what I read for Caller ID.

"Katy Ling"

I looked up at Kyle. "It's Katy!" I gasp as I opened the text message.

"Are you sure it's her?" Kyle asked as his eyes widen, "It could be a prank caller who stole her phone."

I looked at the text as I covered my mouth in joy.

"It's me. I'm at your house right now. Hurry back now! I need to tell you something and you HAVE to believe me, please! I'll explain everything when you get home. Please get a hold of Dante also. And . . . please don't tell Mom and Dad about me messaging you. I'll get a hold of them as soon as I can. ~Katy Ling."

"~Katy Ling."  That's her signature that she always put at the end of her messages if she's worried that people don't have her number. I know it's Katy. She doesn't tell anyone about that besides me, Kyle and Dante.

I looked up at Kyle. "It is Katy. She's back at my place. We need to get back." I told him then looked back at my phone to look up Dante's number and call him. But he never answered. More fear and worried rises within me as I look at Ben. "Dante is not picking up."

"He never answered my calls," Kyle added along with Olivia and Danny.

I looked at them then back at Ben. "I'm worried, can you get him and bring him over?" I asked as I handed him my keys.

Ben nods. "I will. You get to Katy." He said then kisses my cheek and headed back into my car as I climbed into Kyle's, heading back home to Katy.

Change From a BiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora