Heartbreaking Choice

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Why must we go to Alexis' place?" I asked as I looked at Dante, sitting at the passanger seat.

Dante drove down road on the late afternoon of Halloween. He's dressed is his nice suit with his dark brown hair combed back. If I knew that we were dressing up as a couple, I would have at least tried to dressed up also. Though in all honesty, it wouldn't last long since today . . . . today I'll become a wolf . . .

I sat where I was at, trying hard not to fidget or trying hard not to look nervous.

Dante took a breath as he drove. "Cause you need to get out of the apartment and spend time with our friends besides hanging with me 24/7."

I sighed and sat down back more. "We could have gone to my parents' place instead." I mumbled with my arms crossed my chest.

Although deep down, I'm glad I wasn't going to my parents, but at the same time I don't want to go to Alexis' place ether. I had a plan on what to do when it was time for me to turn, but all that changed when Dante decided to go to Alexis' Halloween Party.

"I already talked to Mom and Dad about that," said Dante, "And they agreed that you should go out with our friends."

I looked at him with surprise. He never called my folks "Mom" and "Dad".

I watch Dante looking at me for a second then back at the road as he swallowed nervously. Guess he didn't mean to call my folks that ether. When I opened my mouth to speak, Dante cleared his throat and interrupted me, "Here we are." He said as he entered Alexis' driveway.

Even before I could get a chance to speak, Dante was already out of the car and heading down to the basement where the party is taking place at.

I sighed as I unbuckled myself and got out of the car. I stared out to the yard, taking in the decorations that Alexis laid out for Halloween.

Among the decorations, I saw a black wolf at the entrance of the woods. Roman's wolf. I stood where I was at, looking at him as he stared back at my brown eyes, making sure I know that he will keep his promise if I don't become his mate when I turn.

My heart beat hard from the sorrow that I got to do today. For the first time since Roman first attacked me, I could feel my inner wolf again. Pleading me not to go along my plan.

I close my eyes as I held my hand to my chest, grabbing the fabric of my shirt. Trying hard not to cry.

I looked back at Roman, finding him gone. All there was left was the wind blowing against the leaves as I looked down at the ground, holding my chest still as I whispered to myself quietly, "I don't want to do this . . . "

But I got to.

I have to do this to protect Dante, my family and friends.

I have to do this before the full moon rises up at the highest peek of the sky.

Before I turned into a wolf . . . .

I have to break up with Dante . . . . 

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