The Truth

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Dante's P.O.V.

"Hope you have a good day, ma'am." I said to one of the customers as I handed her bag.

"Hey, Dante." I heard someone called. I looked over and saw Alexis walking towards the counter with a smile. "What are you doing here still?"

I sighed. "One of my asshole co-workers called in sick and another who was subpost to take his place since I asked first to get out early for Katy, left early to take care of his sick girlfriend."

Alexis raised an eyebrow. "Well that's good of him, I guess?"

I looked at her. "They were dating for month. To me, you shouldn't do that unless you were dating more then three months."

Alexis laughed as she smiled at me. "No offence, Dante," she said. "But you were the same thing to Katy when you guys start dating."

I stared at her in disbelief. "No I didn't."

She nodded as she smile. "You did. I remember Katy bragging about that a lot."

"Really?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

Alexis only smiled. "Trust me, Dante. You guys were really lovey dovey back then. I almost mistaken it to puppy love and you guys would split later on."

I rolled my eyes as I smiled, now that the memories are coming back to me. It was true that Katy and I did act like a young high school love, even though we got together a year after Katy graduated from her high school, but we really love each other. Which is one of the reasons why I got her the gift I bought from my cousin a few days ago.

"By the way," Alexis continues as she grins ear to ear, "have ya pop the question to Kate, yet?" She leaned over the counter with her arms crossed beneath her chest. Waiting like a child waiting for a surprise to come out.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I haven't told anyone but Katy's father about my gift for Katy.

"Don't play dumb. Ben told me about it."

Shit. I forgot I told Ben, but I told him not to tell Alexis also. I shook my head for a no. "I haven't yet. But I'm trying to find the right time to ask her, just lately it's been tough cause of the wolf attack."

Alexis nodded in agreement. "Well you let me know about that, alright?" I nodded with a smile. "I forgot to tell ya before," she continued, "Ben, Olivia, Danny and I are going to throw a Halloween party this year. You and Katy can come if ya want. And you don't have to dress up."

I nodded and thought for a moment. "It might bet be better for Katy to get out of the apartment and be with family and friends." I thought to myself out loud for a moment then nodded to my thought. "I'll talk to Katy about it."

Alexis smiles as she nodded. "Alright. I'll wait for your call or Kate's. Take care, Dante."

I nodded and waved goodbye.

Katy's P.O.V.

The sun was ready to set when I finally stop walking and leaned against a tree to relax. It felt like I've been walk for a long time. Surly if Roman wanted to tell me something, he probably be like maybe a mile into the woods entrance, not at the heart of the woods.

I sighed as I leaned back more against the tree, looking up to the sky as the wind blew the leaves around me. I closed my eyes and took in the woods. I used to love camping when I was young, my parents and I used to go up north of Michigan and came almost every summer. Then everything changed cause of money, gas and me setting my own responsibilities. Now days, my folks still go up North for fun and giggles. But I had to be left behind cause of work.

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