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Dante's P.O.V.

I arrived at the hospital not an hour later after Katy's parents called me and told me about Katy being in the hospital.  When I arrived and parked my car, I found myself shaking.

Am I scared?  Hell yes.  I might lose the woman that I love very much.  The woman that I was going to . . . . . 

I shook my head and took in a breath.  "Calm down, Dante," I told myself.  Struggling to take in my words to calm down.  "Katy wont leave you.  She wouldn't do that.  Not like this."

As soon as I calmed down, I headed into the hospital.  Looking around for Carry and Katy's father, Trevor SR.

"Dante!" I heard a cry, making me turned my head and watch Alexis, Olivia and Kyle walking to me quickly.

"About time you came here." Said Kyle as he greeted me with a hug.

"Traffic was not on my side right now," I responded and looked to everyone.  "Where's Carry and Trevor?  Any good news with Katy?  In fact, what happened to her?"

Alexis looks down in sorrow as Olivia looks at her and gently pats her arm for comfort.  "They haven't brought Katy in the ER yet," Kyle answered, making me look at him in shock.

"Why did they not bring her in?  Where is she?!"  My voice rose in anger.

"Make way!  Out of the way!" I heard someone yelling.

I look up from my friends and saw nurses dragging a stretcher through the hall.  A doctor ran to it.  "Another attack," an officer told him.

"Oh, god.  She's losing too much blood.  We need to operate now!  Get her to the room now!" the doctor ordered as he ran with the nurses and the stretcher.

When it got close to us, I saw what made me want to let go what I held back in my eyes and ran to the stretcher.

In the bed, covered in blood, layers of bandages around her neck, her head in a brace to keep her still, a breathing tube in her mouth, her eyes closed - "KATY!!!" I screamed, fighting against the nurses and my friends to get to her with tears falling from my eyes.  "Katy!"

"Sir, you need to calm down and move away.  We need to get her into surgery now."

I couldn't stop myself from fighting.  All I need is to get to her, hold her hand, tell her that I'm here and that I love her.  I grabbed the bar of the stretcher as my eyes staid on her.  "Katy!  I'm here!  It's me, Dante!  I'm here!"

Katy never opened her eyes.

"Sir, please.  We need you to move away and let us to take care of her." the nurse continues to push me away.

"Dante, please." Olivia begged as tears falls from her eyes.

"Let them help her!"  Alexis cried.

"Dan, let go of the stretcher!" Kyle growled.

All of them grabbing and pulling me away from Katy.

The doctor placed his instrument over Katy's chest, listing to her heart beat and looked up to me.  "Sir, if you love this woman, please let go of the stretcher and move away.  We're starting to lose her."

My eyes widen and my body has gone limp.  My hand let go of the bar as I fell back, being catch by Kyle and other people.  "Katy . . . " I said softly as I watch them take her away.  I quickely regain my strength and got up.  "Katy!  I love you!  Please don't leave me!" I cried out to her.  Hoping that she heard me and live.  I can't imagine with her gone.

As soon as I watch Katy disappear from the doors, I turned and faced my friends with tears still trailing down my cheeks.  I notice that Carry and Trevor finally join the group along with Ben and Danny.  I stared at Katy's mother.  She too has tears falling from her blue eyes.

"C . . . Carry . . . I'm so sorry." I tried to speak to her, but lost it and start sob.

"Oh, Dante . . . ," Carry whispered in tears as she goes to me and holds me and I berried my eyes in her shoulder as she did the same to me.

We all . . . me, Carry, Trevor, Kyle, Olivia, Alexis and even both Danny and Ben . . . we are all afraid what fate holds for Katy.

~~~~Time Lapes~~~~ In the ER.

The doctors worked hard to get the bleeding to stop on Katy's neck.

"How's her blood pressure?" the doctor asked as he works on cleaning her neck so he can stitch it close.

"It's too high, she might go into a cardiac arrest," the nurse said as she looks at the doctor. "This will be the tenth kill if she dies."

The doctor nodded and nodded to another nurse.  "Get the blood bag ready to put in her."

The other nurse nodded and do what he told.

~~~~ In Katy's mind during the operation ~~~~

Katy's P.O.V.

I found myself back at the meadow.  Just like my dream before, I ran through the woods, listing to the growls and leaped into the light.  Only this time, I didn't see the wolf now.  I saw Roman. I staid where I was at in fear.

"You're finally mine now, my Little Red Ridding Hood." He grinned at me as he came closer.

I took an equal step back each time he took a step toward me.  "Roman . . . What do you want with me?"

Roman gave a toothy grinned . . . an evil one.  As his teeth shown through his lips, I saw fangs formed in them.  Not just any fangs . . . wolf fangs.

I took in a shacked breath through my lips as terror struck through my body.  I looked up at his eyes.  "I want you . . . ." He said as he got more closer, close enough that I can smell the cigarette he smokes along with the smell of dog.  "my . . . Little Red."  he reached out and brushed his finger under my chin.  My body became froze in fear.  Paralyzed to the point I can't even move my eyelids to close.  I stood there, wide eyes, trembling from head to my feet in terror.

Roman chuckled as he moved his hand down my neck to my chest.  "You're mine now . . ." he growled in pleasured as his hand stopped over my chest, fingers curling into a claw form like he's going to rip my heart out.  He eyed my chest then to me as he grained cruel as he finished.  "Katy."

Just then I felt something sharp, like glass ripping through my chest.  More of beneath it, just over my heart.  I closed my eyes in agony and screamed as loud as I can.  I clutched my heart as I felt to the ground, still screaming.  My body started to burn like something from inside of me is ripping it's way out.  I opened my eyes last time as I saw Roman's eyes shine in delight and turning golden brown . . . 

~~~~ Back in the ER ~~~~

"Shit!  We're losing her!"  The doctor cried when he heard the heart monitor gone flat.  Be begins pounding on Katy's chest to bring her back to life as a nurse place an oxygen mask over her face to breath.

Another doctor came in view.  "Clear!" He cried as he zapped Katy to get her heart beating again.

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