In Trouble

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The Unknown's P.O.V.

When I saw her this morning, she's more beautiful then I thought she would be. I wonder what she looks like when the full moon comes. I grinned when I watched the girl heading to her group of workers and listen to the orders. She'll make a lovely bride and she'll be mine . . . . even if I have to kill the mate she's with now.

Katy's P.O.V.

 I went outside for my break, holding my phone and a bag of crackers to munch on. I turned on my phone as it showed I have a text message from my mother.

From: Mom Ling

"Heard about the wolf attack at your work last night. Hope you are okay. And don't worry about Dad. I talked to him about what happened. Love you."

I sighed in relief that Mom understands what's going on and explain to Dad about it. I guess I should call her and tell her that I'm okay. I checked my clock on the phone. She's on her break also. Perfect timing.

I press the call button on her text message to call her.

Burrrrrring . . . . . . . Burrrrrring . . . . . Brrr- "Katy. Are you okay?" My mother already asked.

I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, Mom. I'm okay. I heard the attack happened after I left work."

I heard my mother sigh in a relief. "Thank heavens. I was very worried if you got attack or not. I know how much you love the wolves, but remember, honey, they are not dogs."

I giggled and though of a funny talk back. "Well . . . they are a K9 and dogs are a K9 also."

I heard my mother laugh. "Smart ass! How was your night?"

I swallowed, thinking what to say as I dig in my little bag of crackers to munch on. Clearly and obvious, a mother does not want to hear that her daughter is having sex with her boyfriend. "Iiiiiit's good," I said, even though it was the truth. "I went strait to bed when I got home. Work was very exhausting."

"Oh? Well don't work too hard, hon. I have to get back to work," said my mother as I my ears picked up a noise.

"Okay, Mom. Be careful and tell Dad that I love him. Love ya."

"Love you too. Tell Dante I said hi."

"I will." I said then hang up. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "That was close. Nearly dodged a bullet there."

My ears caught the sound again. A distant wolf howl. I looked over where the howl is at. My wolf inside of me struggled to howl back. Like she wants to howl. No . . . you can't let it out. Too risky. I told myself.

"Ey." I heard behind me, nearly making me jump and drop my bag of crackers.

I looked over and saw Roman coming towards me with a unlit cigarette in his lips. I made an silent complaints as I grabbed my Walkman Player to listen to music and to ignore him. But I was too late when he lift a cigarette into my view. Damnit . . .

"Cigarette?" he asked.

I looked at him and took a step back to have my space. He was very close to me. So close that if our lips could have connect if I angle my head right. "I don't smoke," I said then go back to my Walkman, which I just realized, it died. Damnit! Some savour you are.

"Okay. So Kathryn, why are you out here alone?"

I looked at him as I saw him grinning at me. I glared at him. "Katy," I corrected.

Roman nodded. "Right, sorry, Katy-Kate," He continues to grin.

I looked at him in a serous look then turn to the side. "Okay, I'm out of here."

But when I went to leave, I felt his hand on my wrist, crushing it as I flinch from the tight grasp. I looked over and Roman looks at me with a lust in his eyes. "Come on, Katy, keep me company," he continues to grin.

Then everything went silent. The wolves stop howling, the wind stop blowing. Just like last night. All I hear was my heart racing and the wolf inside of me growling in threat.

I struggled against his grasp. "Get your hands off of me!" I raised my voice.

"Why? Uncomfortable?" Roman sneered as he came close to my face.

I move my head back. "Yes. I don't like people touching me!" I cried as I struggled more but Roman threw me to the wall.

Pinning me with his body weight over my body, pressing his knee between my legs to separate. Preventing me to kick him in the balls.

"Let me go!" I scream as I struggled more.

No one will hear me scream for help. This area I'm at is privet . . . I came here to be alone. There were no cameras to catch me being in trouble. How can I be so stupid to be here alone?

Roman grinned and pulled his lips on mine. Forcing me to make out with him as I felt something against my pelvic. I shrieked as I struggled more, scraping my nails against his skin to get away, but he groan and pinned me harder. He pulled back and looked at me again. "Keep doing that, baby. I like it rough." He bit down on my neck.

I screamed when I felt a sharp pain on my neck and struggle more. "Get the fucking hell off of me! Help!"

Roman hits his body against mine, moving a hand down on me.

Tears formed in my eyes.

"The fucking hell are you doing to her!" I heard a roar then felt Roman's body thrown off of me and I fell to the ground, unable to keep my balance.

I felt an arm over me and I shrieked and tried to move away. "Katy! Baby!" I heard Dante's voice and felt his hands on my cheeks, making me to look at him. Anger was in his eyes along with worry. "Shh, sh. It's okay." He turned and looked at Roman and growls, holding me to his chest.

I also looked at Roman and saw red around his lips. Is that . . . blood? In worry, I place a hand on my neck where he bit me and felt blood on there. My eyes widen. He bit me! He bit me and draw blood on me!!

Dante growls. "What were you doing to her?!" He demand.

Roman just grins and gets up then ran off to the woods. "Damnit! Get the fucking hell back here, bastered!" Dante roared as he got up, but I grabbed him. "Dante . . . Please." I trembled as I cried softly. "Please stay with me . . . I need to go to the hospital."

"After I kill him," Dante growled.

"Babe . . . please . . . I'm bleeding." And after I said that, I blacked out . . . .

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