The Bite Mark

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Katy's P.O.V.

"I want to go some where!" I complained as I tossed a book away from me and lean back on a the arm of a couch, looking over to Dante upside down who played on his Xbox.

Dante looked at me then quickly goes to me and pulls my head up gently. "Watch how you angle your head, Kate!"

I groan and lean my head against his body. It's been three days since I got back from the hospital. Two days on being cooped up in this apartment. "My neck is fine. The pain stopped yesterday. I want to go somewhere."

"And where would you want to go?" Dante as as he moved my back up, taking the arm of the couch's place with his own body.

I lean against him, holding his arms around me. "I want to go to Alexis' place."

Dante frowned. "But that's a long ways away."

I shrugged. "I still want to go. I haven't seen her since I moved here."

"I don't want to travel that far, Katy. Not when the wolves are running around."

I sighed. "Fine. Then I'll go by myself." I said as I got up, heading into the bedroom to change into clean cloths and brush my hair.

I heard Dante groan as he got up also. "Fine. I'll drive you there."

I looked at him as I pulled out jeans and a shirt. "I thought you said you don't want to drive that far."

Dante shrugs. "Well I don't want you to drive that far and have something happened cause of that neck of yours." He points at my neck.

I smiled. "I knew I'll get you going."

Dante smirked and came to me, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer and kissed me. "One of the reasons why I love you," he smiles.

I continue to smile and kissed him again. "I love you too, Dante."

~~~~ Time Laps ~~~~

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Alexis cried in worry when Dante and I arrived at her porch step. She held me tight and looked at my neck. "You shouldn't have come here. You needed your rest."

I rolled my eyes. "I had my rest. I was bored to death in that apartment."

Ben came out without a shirt on as he smiled. "Well, isn't it my second favorite couples," he greeted us with a hug. "How are you, love?" he looks at me with concern.

"Wait. Who's the most favorite couple?" Dante acted shocked in tease.

I shrug as I smiled. "Getting better. Dante is taking good care of me."

"He better or I'll beat him." Ben chuckled as he winked at Dante jokingly.

Dante chuckled and shook his head. "I am. But Miss. Stubbornness wouldn't listen to me sometimes." He place a hand on my shoulder, pulling me close.

I couldn't help but smile. "It's not my fault that I get bored easily." I giggled.

"In deed. She is stubborn," Alexis smiled as she goes to Ben's side.

I stuck my tongue out in tease. "Where's Olivia by the way?" I ask as all four of us head inside the house.

"She went out with Danny," Ben answered as he sat down near the table.

Alexis nods. "She wasn't happy that Ben and I had sex on the party," she said with a smile as she goes to the fridge. "You want a monster?" She points at me.

I shook my head. "The doctors told me no energy drinks cause of my injury."

Alexis pouts. "Damn. That means no drinks or alcohol?"

I shook my head again as I pouted also. "Nope. The doctor is being a party killer for me."

Dante nods. "Yeah. I can't pick on her cause of her stitches."

Ben pouted with me and Alexis from not drinking. "Damn. How many stitches did you get, Kate?"

"Four," I answered as I held up four fingers.

"Damn!" he and Alexis said together.

I nodded as I tilted my neck a bit to show them the stitches on my neck. Alexis got up to see a better look of it. "Jesus . . . what bit you? A dog?"

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "One of my co-workers bit me while trying to take advantage of me."

I watch my friend's eyes grew more confused and shocking. "You sure?"

"I saw him with my own eyes." Dante responds back as he looks at Alexis in worry. "He was on top of her, trying to take advantage of her and he bit her. What's going on?"

Alexis looks at him with an unchanged expiration. "You didn't notice?"

"Notice what?" I asked looking at her in confusion.

Alexis looks at me then to Dante. 'Your wound looks like a dog's bite mark."

Both Ben and Dante look at me in shock. Dante quickly get up and looks at my neck. "Oh, god. It's true."

I look at Dante in fear. It was a human who bit me. I saw him and so did Dante. But why is my wound looking like it was a dog that bit me?

Why are there so many questions pilling up on me?

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