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Katy's P.O.V.

I hate to make this choice to leave my old life behind of a human and live as a wolf and to abandon Dante, but I knew that I should do this to protect the other humans that are wolves. My heart ached after giving my goodbyes to my friends. When I was done, I told Alexis on what to do for my notes then looked back at Dante.

Dante looked at me in hurt and broken. "I don't want to do this, Katy . . . ," he said softly as he came close to me. "I just got you back . . . and you accepted my proposal. How can I go on knowing you're out there as a wolf?"

I stared at him then to the ground, thinking on how to answer him. But I don't know how to tell him that I will be alright or what to do for us. So I just told him on what I thought and looked up at him. "I don't know, Dante. But I do know this." Dante tilts his head in wonder as I reached out and took his hand. "That when this is over, when I'm a human again - fully, I will marry you and be with you until the end of time."

With that, I leaped up and held him close tight hug as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek as he struggled to hold in his tears.

"I love you, Katy," he told me with a shaky tone in his voice from holding in his tears.

I pulled back and looked at him with a smile and kissed him gently. "I love you too." I held his hand as I headed to the woods until our arms couldn't stretch any further.

I took in a breath and head straight to the woods with my wolf instinct calling out to the wild as my heart shattered once again.

Dante's P.O.V.

I watch Katy walking to the woods and removed my shirt when she was safe in the shadows of the trees and continue walking. My heart felt like it was shattered even more over the broken pieces of the broken heart I had from Katy's break-up on Halloween. Leaving me now with thousands more pieces of my heart. My tears escaped my eyes as I ran after Katy, hearing my friends called out for me in terror, but I ignored them and ran to my beloved. "Kate!"

Katy jumped in fright and turned to look at me as I tackled her into a tight embrace. "Please . . . .!" I cried. I can't take it. I don't want to lose her for lord knows how long. Katy is my only reason to keep my sanity together. How can I continue my life without her brighten my days? "Don't go! I don't know what to do if I lose you!"

Katey held me back with trembling arms from holding back her emotions. "I . . . I'm so sorry, Dante." she whispered then pushed me away from her and starting running more into the woods, shifting into a wolf as she ran.

"Katy, wait!" I screamed as I chased after her.

"Dante, come back!" Alexis, Olivia, Kyle, Ben and Danny cried together and the came after more.

But I refused to stop. I won't stop until I have Katy in my arms again and keep her there. I continue to chase after Katy until I lost sight of her from the trees and bushes, but I still continued on, running through the direction of where I last seen her run at. "Katy!" I screamed with tears falling down my cheeks, "Come back!"

Ben caught up with me at the creek and tackled me down to the ground. "You fucking idiot!" He growled as he held me against him tightly while I struggled against him to break free. "You want to get yourself killed?" he yelled with a grunt from holding me, "Katy says that the wolves will kill if they find us."

"I don't care!" I cried with a sob. I never cried in front of anyone besides Katy, but I don't care anymore. I just want Katy back.

Alexis and the other's finally caught up to us and looked down at me in sorrow. Both Olivia, Alexis and even Kyle had tears in their eyes. I looked at them and gave up on fight against Ben, and sobbed more. "It's not fair . . . " I whimpered, "She shouldn't have to do this . . . It's not her place . . . she didn't cause this . . . "

Alexis knelt beside me and rubbed my shoulder in comfort as Ben still held me against him for comforting as well. "She's doing what she believes is right, Dante." She said in a soft tone with a crack in her tone from the tears.

"But I love her so much!" I cried as I looked up to Alexis. "How will I know that she's alive? Winter is coming soon and Katy never been a wolf or know how to be one by instinct. She only read what the wolves did in books. How will I know that she will make it in the future?"

"She will survive." Said Kyle as he looked at me. "Katy's always a survivor. She'll make it and find her way back to you and to us."

I looked at Kyle then to the ground letting more of my tears and cries out as they turned into to cries of sorrow to cries of range.

I blame Roman for this.

He shouldn't have stalked Katy

He shouldn't have attacked her.

He shouldn't have turned her.

He shouldn't take my Katy away from me for himself . . . .

I wish I would have killed him myself when I had the chance . . .

"Dant!" Olivia cried, making me look over to her. "Look!" She pointed over past us to a little cliff that's eight or ten feet away across from the creek with a nine feet high above us.

There was a red wolf, Katy, looking over at us. Even from this far from her, I can see the sorrow that showed in her eyes. I knew, she didn't want to leave me . . . not like this . . .

I watch the woman I love took a step back and threw her head up high, letting out a strong, loud howl; making my heart skipped a beat from it's sound. That's her sign to me. Her sign to tell me that she will be okay and to tell me that she's alive. Her howl.

I continue to listen to her song. Her voice. Trying to brand it to my memory so I will never forget.

Katy told me so much about a wolf's howl and she is right about it. Her howl is beautiful. Hope full and breath taking. But it has it's sorrow tone to it for leaving us and her old life.

Katy stopped, took a breath and howl again to over come her sorrow howl with a loving howl. Telling me goodbye and that she loves me from the musical tone. She stopped and looks down at us, to me. Tears falls from my eyes again as I smile softly to her. "I love you too," I whispered, still wishing for her not to go, but I'm ready for her to go now.

Katy bowed her head a bit then took off to the trees, heading back into the woods to find the wolves that Roman lead and end the attack as best as can.

Watching her leave was the hardest part for me. But I knew, Katy is right to took place of the alpha in the pack and that she will be fine. She knows how to defend for herself, how to live as a wolf and most of all . . . she knows how much I love her.

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