How to Train Your Familiar

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Your Pov.

I raced down to Hagird's Hut quickly, Nix in close pursuit. I hoped in my head no one was watching me, because I could feel a wild smile on my face. My hair flipping around on my head and lungs burned, I suddenly realized I don't enjoy running as much as I'd like to believe.

My knuckles sting as I bang on Hagrid's door, more harsh than I meant. Hagrid comes out with wide eyes, "What's all this 'bout?" he questions my actions as I'm still catching my breath. Nix comes up from behind me and rubs like a cat on my leg, panting as well.

"Hagrid. Do you know how to train a wolf and, or, dog to smell out something?" I ask getting my act together finally. He gives me a wild look of confusion and shakes his head, not really as a no, but more of a 'that's what this is?' and moves aside motioning for me to come into the hut. I take a seat in a chair fit for a half giant and feel like an ant of a human (not the mean human kind). Nix settles in between my feet ad faces toward me for attention. I, of course, oblige and indulge her need for being pet. Hagird sits across from me, leaning back in his seat.

"Now, what are you goin' on about?" He questions squinting at me. I take a deep breath and for a second consider what I'm about to ask him, would he find out what I was trying to do?

"Well," don't cause suspicion "I've been wanting to... connect more with Nix! She's lovely as you know and which I thank you for again." Hagaird smiles and nodding with a gentle 'of course'.

"So, I was hoping to train her to be able to smell things out. You know, like a police dog? I mean I'm pretty sure, Voldemort-" He flinches at the name and I forget people think his name is actually cursed, "won't stop trying to off me and Harry, so I thought training her for those sorts of things would help."

Hagird hums in consideration and leans forward intimidatingly towards me, his elbows resting on his knees. "Y/n," He starts and I begin to feel nervous. "You wouldn't happen to be trying to track down, tha' person who petrified ol' Flich's cat. Would ya?" I start laughing.

"What? ME?? You think I'm that crazy? God no. I just really want to bond with Nix." I lie straight through my teeth and I'm pretty sure it's obvious as he gives me a look. Hagird smiles brightly at me after a few seconds and I stop holding my breath.

"Oh Good, cause I wouldn' want you or anyone goin' after somethin' like that!" He laughs and I join in nervously, was this the right choice? Hagird's right, Harry shouldn't go after that thing, but am I the right person to do it? I shake the thought off and smile at him.

"So, can you help me?" Hagird leans back in his chair as I lean forward.

"I'm afraid not, I mainly focus with magically beings and as magically as Nix is. The type of training she'd require is much more muggle based"

"Oh," I respond and Hagird quickly continues.

"I do know a lad from Hufflepuff though that would love to help ya with that though! He had spoken to me once before when he met Fang and of course after people found out about Fluffy."

"Oh? Who is he?"

"It's a, some Justin fellow, Hol' on he writes me sometimes with questions for Herbology, claims that he's too embarrassed to ask the teacher which I think is hog wash." Hagird turns around from looking to point a finger at me. "Never be afraid to ask questions in class, got it?" I nod quickly at his advice.

"Good, now then, here we are. His name is Justin Finch-Fletchley, heh, ani't tha a mouth full."

"Justin Finch-Fletchley. Got it, thanks Hagird!" I get up and hug him, you wouldn't expect it, but he always smelled like pine.

"No trouble, but you better stay out of this new business with some monster." I pull back.

"Monster?" Hagird begins to act odd, responding nervously.

"Well, at least that's one of the rumors goin' around, ani it?" I shrug, thinking on it. I hadn't really been paying attention to any rumors.

"Now you head on back, keep your familiar out till you get back to the dorm. Stay safe." Hagird nods me off and I wave good bye.

"Talk to you tomorrow Hagird!"

"See ya then!"

a swift cool breeze hit me as soon as I left the hut. November was always a crazy month, more so in these past two years. I couldn't help, but to love the thrills I got from it. Christmas would be soon and I wonder of what other secret gifts someone would bring played out in my mind.

"Nix, who do you think sent that gift last year?" I pondered to her, but the only response I got was a gentle rub on my leg.

"Huh, yeah, I don't know either...." I slip Nix back into the necklace and she dissolves into it. The only sound remaining on my way to my dorm was the soft steps my shoes made against the stone and the mumbling thoughts bouncing around in my mind.

I need sleep was the last thought I had before I went into auto pilot unknowingly until I collapsed into my bed. Suddenly, I'm attack by my own mind from no where.

"Oh my god, why am I here?" I sigh and put my hands to my face, scattered thoughts passing through my mind. What a loaded question, why am I here? I have so many different reasons why I shouldn't be here at Hogwarts or here at all. Some giant clearly Voldemort snake is trying to kill people, but failing and likely setting a trap for my brother and I. It's so exhausting, I'm 12 and here I am trying to run around, solving this ridiculous problem, is it selfish to give up on it? Should I be turning Draco in? Is any of this right? Why am I still here? I should be dead, I don't deserve to be the one alive. Is this why I'm being so abused by life? By my own family? Sure, I have Harry, but even he is suffering like hell. He must be, or am I just alone in this? I already know I'm the only one besides the family who released the snake aware of what's going on. I could end this all, if I just tell someone. Why am I not telling someone? THIS is so stupid! I'm so stupid!


I shoot up out of my bed as papers fall around me and I find myself breathing heavily with a wave of exhaustion, almost like I had just been drained of my energy.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Oh god why did it have to be you? Ginny comes over to me and I don't even realize till she starts to approach me of my tears, I begin to get self conscious.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I snapped unintentionally and she pauses, pressing her lips togethering as her shoulders .

"Oh, alright... I'll just be getting a shower then," She states and walks back over to the door, I make note of ink stains on her hand as she awkwardly waves good bye.

I regret yelling at her the moment I hear the door shut, I glance around the room covered in the mess I made only to realize- I was alone again. I cried.

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