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The final evaluation day was held the next morning. Doyoung, Taeyong, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Tao and Baekhyun were waiting in the throne room along with the council members. No outsider was allowed to witness the final evaluation. The final test was still unknown and all the participants were covered had broken into cold sweat. A few minutes later master Healer walked in with few of his men. Two men carried a giant goblet and placed it in the middle of the throne room. The expression on council members face was unchanged as they had also been evaluated on the same basis previously.

Once the goblet was set up, master Healer set the fire in the goblet that glowed blue as if the fire was made of ice. Master Healer then turned around and address the participants and council members present. "The final round will be very simple, you all will be given a riddle to slove. The riddle that holds your place in the council. You will be given 24 hours to answer your riddle. We will meet here exact same time after the coronation of our white wolf as the new Alpha of the Royal pac-" "MY WHAT?" Baekhyun shouted so loudly that it echoed within the walls of the throne room.

"You will be crowned tomorrow and that's the END OF DISCUSSION" said the Master Healer so loudly that no one dared to argue with him. Baekhyun's wolf was happy with the title but Baekhyun felt he was not ready for the title. Looking at the silent room the Master Healer continued. "Each one of you, stand here infront of the goblet. Introduce yourself. You will receive the your riddle. Please do read it out loud. You fail if you can't answer within 24 hours or wrong answer. Your answer has to be written on the backside of the same and thrown into the goblet within the given time. Now let's start. Tao" he said pointing Tao to move forward.

"Tao, Royal pack, Time travel" he introduced himself. A paper shot up from the fire landing on Tao's hand. He opened the crumpled paper and read.

"I've always viewed life from the side lines,
Just watching it passing me by.
In the past, too afraid to just let go and live,
And lately too tired to try.
I've envied the people around me
So invested in living each day,
While I spent my time hiding out from the world
And searching for ways to escape.
For most of my life I truly believed
I was here to help somebody else,
But now it's so clear it was just an excuse.
To avoid living life for myself
So the time has now come to conquer my fears
And to stand up and face a new day.
Let the hurts of my past wash away with my tears
And stop letting my life slip away"

Tao looked like was not pleased with riddle he got. The confused expression on his face frightened the other five waiting for their chance.

"Taeyong you turn" said the Master Healer

"We struggle to have meaning
in this world, which we all know.
We try, but yet we wonder
where we all should go.
Hidden in the questions,
we cannot find
the answers. They're are all hidden
deep inside our minds.
Hidden in our soul
is the life we try to hide,
but in time it will find you"

The paper read. Taeyong broke into cold sweat. His hands trembled holding the paper.

"Chen" said the Master Healer.
Jongdae walked confidently to the goblet and introduced himself.

The fire inside my eyes
Creates an inner feeling of suicide
I'm a sinking ship
With no cargo
A mind of dynamite
A heart with an emotional embargo
Sometimes it feels as if I'm expected to do to much
So much pressure on me I can feel my bones crush
People forget to see from your perspective
I was not elected
Simply placed in this seat
So why is it so easy to point fingers
You forget you are not the only one with battles with demons.

His face was totally calm and confident. The calm face lifted the other three people's hope.

"Doyoung" Master Healer called.

For every dark night, there’s an even brighter day
For every hollow path is a more fulfilling way
In every dark cloud, you can find a silver lining
Against the icy metal, like the rose that grew
From concrete, with its scratched and hardened petals
When no one in the world was here to love me
I held my head to the sky above me

Doyoung tried to maintain a calm face but failed terribly at it. He walked back to his place and took a deep breath. He looked at his mate Taeyong tried to assure him everything will be fine.

Next was Baekhyun's trun

What might you find there, down deep in my soul
Within the darkness of that expansive hole
Will there be substance ,Will there be diamonds or coal
If you travel far enough you will bathe within light
The darkness a shield to protect this soul with might
Beyond the locked door my soul rises like a kite
Only those who have it can fly to such great height!

Baekhyun looked confident reading his riddle. The smile on his face eased Chanyeol's face. He went back to his old spot confidently.

Lastly Kyungsoo stepped in front taking a deep breath.

"Kyungsoo, Earth pack, Earth element!" He said.

There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet, and those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.
At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair, but I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.
By large, my ministrations are soft handed and sweet, but scorned I become a difficult beast to defeat. For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow, when I kill I do it slow.

As Kyungsoo stepped back, he smiled at the Master Healer. He took the pen that was placed right next to the goblet and scribbled something on it. He smiled at Jongin who was looking at him as if Kyungsoo had grown two head before crumbling the paper at throwing back to the goblet. This action made everyone stand on their toes. Pin drop silence was followed as the blue fire swallowed the paper.

"Are you so confident about your answer?" asked the master Healer with a smirk. Immediately the flame turned green and paper flew directly to the Master Healer's hand. "HYUNG YOU WON" said Jongin as he ran towards Kyungsoo."You said it's about our role in the war. Love is the only gamble I'm involved in here" said Kyungsoo hugging Jongin tightly. Only Baekhyun, Lay and the master Healer understood his words.

Looking at Kyungsoo something in Baekhyun also triggered. He wrote his answer and threw it at the goblet. The goblet fire turned green and Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun up and congratulated him. "You did find your courage Baekhyun. I hope you can lead us in the right path." Said the Master Healer. "We have two new members in the council. The light and Earth are now part of us. Congratulations" said Kris with a wide smile.

"Only two more places left. I hope you figure out the answers soon" Master Healer said as he walked out of the room.

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