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Baekhyun woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. He groaned as it disturbed his beauty sleep. "Baekhyun hyung wake up!!! Hyung wake up!!" yelled Jongin. "If you don't open now I will teleport inside."  "Yaaa wait. I'm coming" said Baekhyun as he opened the door. "Finally you woke up. You have a match in 20 mins if you are late you will be disqualified. Please hurry up." said Jongin pushing Baekhyun towards the bathroom. After Baekhyun completed his morning routine, Jongin teleported him to the grounds. Waking up alone on the bed made Baekhyun wonder if the past nights' events were dreams. But the warm smile from his love assured him the world.

He was up again against a girl. She was hesitating to fight against Baekhyun the white wolf and also her Alpha. Baekhyun won without any difficulty. And the same happened to Jongdae too. Everyone in the pack knew how strong Jongdae's physical attacks are. A total of six people from the forty entries were filtered for the final tryouts. The final battle at the royal pack allowed only three entries per pack. The matches of the final tryouts were drawn on the basis of chit. Moon goddess decided to punish him more by setting his match against Rhysand. Rhysand was a tall six feet, muscular man, tan-skinned and raven-haired. The perfect definition of a beautiful demon.

Jongdae had an easy match against Tamlin earning his spot to the final entry. Another boy named Doyoung claimed another seat of the final entry. The last person who will be selected will be decided in the match against Rhysand and Baekhyun. As the match began, they both stood facing each other the calmness on their face indicated the upcoming storm. Rhysand threw a giant fireball at Baekhyun, only to see it disappear before reaching Baekhyun. Rhysand kneeled down to the ground immediately and said "It's my immense pleasure fighting against the white wolf. But I'm no fool to know it's impossible to defeat you. I withdraw from this match. I have seen you fight with Soohyun, I don't want to go home covered with blood and the wrath of the white wolf." This surprised Baekhyun.

"Please don't give up easily without a fight. I don't want to enter the council because of what I'm, I want to enter because I deserve it. how can people trust someone with their lives if they don't know how well he can protect them? Please give me a chance to prove my ability to my people who have faith in me." "No my lord, we sense your wolf very strongly. There is no wolf here except for our alpha, that will not bow down to you. Fighting against you is very difficult as I have to go against my wolf's wish. please spare me this match. I'm ready to give my place to anyone who is ready to face you in this match" said Rhysand. Immediately everyone present to witness the selection bowed down at Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked around, the only person still standing other than himself was his mate Chanyeol. "The last qualifier from the fire pack is Park Baekhyun" came the announcement.              

"Congratulations to all three of us. we will be heading to the royal pack tomorrow the first thing in the morning. I request your presence by sunrise. thank you for participating." said Chanyeol. after Chanyeol's little speech everyone slowly left the practice grounds but Baekhyun sill stood there trying to process everything that's happening around him. he collapsed on the ground as his vision turned black.

Later when he opened his eyes, he realized it was past sunset as the darkness had already taken over. He tried to wake up and free himself from Chanyeol's arms but the other's arm was wrapped very strongly against Baekhyun.  Chanyeol felt Baekhyun movements that brought him out of the dreamland. "wahh you finally wake. I almost had a heart attack as you fell on the ground unconscious. Lay hyung came over just to check on you. He said you should take a complete rest. the stress you are putting yourself into is just harming you from the inside." "Chanyeol you don't understand. people will mock me for getting into the council because of my white wolf card. I don't want people to think about me like that. If I desire the place, I will earn it on my own. I don't need people to go down on their knee and offer me the position just because I'm a fucking white wolf" said BAekhyun curling himself into a ball.

"I do understand you have to go through a lot. Everyone knows how you asked him to continue fighting. It was totally his decision. We all know if one player gives up the other automatically wins the match. And about being the white wolf, let me tell you this, yes you're the light we have been waiting for, for four hundred years. But it's not just you, we have wanted an earth pup too. we will fight the dark as a team baek, not just you, not just kyungsoo, not just me, we are searching for the twelve best people in the entire wolf army. we just don't need the power, the physical strength we also need the brain, the pure heart. and we see these in you. I'm one hundred percent sure you will be on the council. Don't worry too much just rest up. we have a long day tomorrow. And Wednesday the final tryouts begin. today is the only day you can rest." said Chanyeol drawing imaginary circles on Baekhyun's back. As the cold winds blew, they found warmth in each other.                 

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