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Chanyeol's POV

Fire pack

Today is the big day. The day I have been waiting for years. I have loved him with all my heart all these years. Even before we knew we destined mates. The day he disappeared I lost it all. My patience, my anger management, trust of my pack as their new Alpha, and my heart. After four years, I thought I had moved on but the moment my eyes met his again, when my wolf growled mate, I knew I was wrong. As his eyes turned white, all our memories and promises flashed in front of my eyes.

I really hope this wedding surprise makes him happy. What baekhyun wants baekhyun gets. That's how it was and that's how it will be. With all these thoughts running in my mind I was monitoring the wedding preparations. As I reached the front door I saw him. "His hair" my wolf said.  God baekhyun had beached his hair white. Is he trying to kill me? I noticed he was shirtless too. My wolf growled in anger as I walked towards him "What the hell are you wearing" I asked in my Alpha tone, loud and clear.  He turned around to see my eyes glowing red."Baekhyun smiled and answered "nothing" is he kidding me? Doesn't he understand he is one heat and roaming around shirtless will be as equal to getting killed?  "EXACTLY! NOTHING. WHO THE HELL SAID YOU CAN ROME AROUND NAKED IN MY PACK. LAST TIME I CHECKED I'M THE ALPHA OF THIS PACK AND MY RULES STAYS" I yelled as I and my wolf couldn't take it anymore.

"Yeol! Aren't we going to run to the royal pack. If I wear clothes, they are gonna Rip anyway as soon as I shift."  "Who said you were running? You will take the car with Luhan and Lay hyung. Sehun, Jongin and I along with some warriors will run surrounding the car. Understood?" I replied again in Alpha tone to shut his mouth from further arguments. Baekhyun simply nodded and was about to get into the car. Now what is he gonna ride shirtless there? Dear moon goddess please tell me why did I even love this senseless idiot.

"Take this" I said giving him my pullover. Baekhyun's face when he was staring at my abs gave me an idea of his pervert thoughts. I looked at him and smirked. "take a picture it will last long" I said urging him to take my pull over. "Why will I need to take a picture of what's mine?" He said without thinking twice. What's mine! My wolf went crazy after hearing that. Ahh this is a sweet torture.

Fire pack

When we arrived at the palace, I saw baekhyun getting lost exploring the beauty of the palace. Wait till he sees the arrangement. My wolf whispered. I really tried my best to keep this promise. I really hope he realises it. When Kris lay and few royal pack members gathered to welcome us. Everyone bowed down to his majesty. Baekhyun tried too but, his wolf dint agree to this. I saw the panick in his eyes as he looked at me like a lost puppy not knowing what to do. I couldn't help but smiled at him and said "your eyes will speak don't worry, show him". As soon as I  said that his wolf took control. He only stayed for a second. The moment he got control, I saw Kris bowing down to baekhyun. His crown rolled down to baekhyun's feet. The look on Baekhyun's face was worth a million dollar.  Immediately everyone bowed down realising who had entered the palace. My wolf stood with pride next to his mate, head held high.

Soon, Lay hyung asked us to separate ways and get ready for the ceremony. I was getting ready when Kris entered my room, happiness written all over his face. He hugged me thight as he said "I might have been wrong about the light mate, but I always knew you are the fire we all wanted. After the annual fight, you both will be stripped of your current title and will be officially taking over the throne." "No Kris that's not so easy. Please take things slow. I know we have waited for four hundred years but a few days will not kill us- " "not us but suho. He is suffering too much. Lay rejecting him, the contamination of water stone has affected him a lot. We don't know how long he will survive. Please chanyeol don't say no. You have to do this." "I can't promise anything hyung, it's Baekhyun's decision. If he is ready I will gladly stand next to him." "Sure chanyeol, now get ready we will be begining soon" he said as he left my room.

Tree of life

As the ceremony began, much similar to what happened a few days ago. But this time the ceremony was more private. As I passed down the aisle I could see many familiar faces. I saw jongdae sitting with minseok, as minseok glared at me. I went and stood on the platform waiting for my love to enter. Our rituals are similar to the human marriage. But we don't exchange rings, we don't say our vows. We deal our bond with blood instead in the presence of moon goddess.

The music started indicating his arrival. He looked a hundred times better than I had imagined in this suit for all these years. The moon light reflected perfectly from his bleached hair making him look Ethernal. All the laughter we have shared, the memories we made flashed infront of my eyes. He looked so beautiful right now.

Someone cleared their throat loudly to bring me back to my senses. Now baekhyun was standing beside me as Lay hyung started the ceremony. My wolf took over so did baekhyun's as I could see his eyes went white. The moment our eyes met again, all my anger towards him for running away disappeared. I who had learnt to unlove someone after struggling for years fell for the same person again. I thought I had moved on but looking at those magical eyes I knew I was wrong.

Lay hyung cleared his throat again asking us extend our hands for the bonding. We were given knife to slit our palm and drop our blood into the vessel. I did it first which was followed by baekhyun. As soon as Baekhyun's drops feel in the vessel I could feel the bond. I could read his mind too. He looked at me to say something but we were cut by a loud unfamiliar growl. It was followed by jongin's loud growl.

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