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"Okay, here is the story, exactly after a year of your disappearance, Chanyeol and I made love. Moon goddess blessed us with little angel too but unfortunately I had a miscarriage. Both of us were devastated from the news. So I ran away from him. It's only today I'm back and he has claimed you as his mate cheating on-" Soohyun's words were cut by a very loud growl. Before she knew she was pinned down by a white wolf ready to behead her.

Looking at the white wolf, everyone present bowed down. Jongin had arrived with Suho and Lay, just when Baekhyun shifted. Only chanyeol stood there without bowing down at Baekhyun breaking into cold sweat. "I'm sorry spare my life, please spare me" cried Soohyun. "You think I will let you go so easily? I don't care what happened in the past. I'm his mate now and I will not let anyone touch his hair. You understand that?" Baekhyun yelled in mind link. Soohyun just nodded at Baekhyun. "Before I change my mind, run away from here. You are banished from all the packs. You will stay in the lower ring. If I see you again entering any pack, I will not hesitate to feed you to the royal dogs." Said Baekhyun sounding so authoritative. His voice did give shivers to some people present.

He stepped away from Soohyun, releasing her and asking her to escape. Baekhyun turned around and was making his way towards Chanyeol, "Baekhyun!!" Chanyeol shouted. Soohyun had shifted to her wolf form and caught Baekhyun off gaurd. Baekhyun pushed her away and stood looking at her. Two wolves ready to fight. "If you think it's a lie, then ask your healer friend. He was the one who did my regular checkup" said Soohyun through mindlink. "You bloody slut!" Said Baekhyun as he jumped on Soohyun to attack her.

Everyone knew when two wolves fight with their ego on line, the match ends when one person dies. Looking at two wolves ready to rip eachothers head off, Jongin and Jongdae shifted immediately and ran towards baekhyun and Soohyun to stop. "STAY AWAY FROM THIS" growled Baekhyun to which Jongdae and Jongin's wolf just bowed down and obeyed. Baekhyun then attached Soohyun throwing her to the ground. He then hit her face hard with his paw, punched her waist so hard that she ended up hitting her back to the near by tree.

Even after all these Soohyun stood up, and was ready to attack Baekhyun. But Baekhyun was fast as he kicked her again as Soohyun started spitting blood. Baekhyun jumped in her ready to rip her head when he heard a voice in his head. He turned towards the speaker. Chanyeol was there behind him his eyes screaming guilty. "Baekhyun let her go, don't kill her." Chanyeol spoke again. "You aren't feeling guilty! Tell me this whatever she said is lie" said Baekhyun his was cracking. "Baekhyun, listen to me. Whatever she said, it's not completely true, not completely false. Let me explain, don't kill her." Chanyeol said trying to calm down the white wolf. "See Baekhyun he is still defending me. Don't you understand how much he loves me? Why don't you break your bond with him and set him free." said Soohyun as she spat some blood out yet had a smirk on her face."YOU BLOODY FUCKER" said Baekhyun as he attacked Chanyeol and scratched his waist deep.

"You might be a moon goddess reincarnation, but IM STILL YOUR MATE AND ALPHA. YOU WILL NOT BEHAVE WITH ME THAT WAY!" said Chanyeol as his wolf's ego was hurt by Baekhyun's attack. "Now you remember I'm your mate? What happened to all the promises we made when I was with you. wait now I get it. This is why you said you were taking me as mate because of the pack, not because you wanted. Did you really fell in love with her when I was gone? Were you so eager to get someone in your pant-" Baekhyun was unable to finsih his sentence when Chanyeol attacked Baekhyun. They both rolled over trying to get the upper hand of the fight, kicking, eachother with all the strength they had. Blood bath was just started.

"We have to stop this" said Jongdae. "But none of us can stop him, we can't use our power against the white wolf. You all know the tale, I don't want my powers to disappear." Said Jongin. "Shift Jongin we need suho and lay's help too" said Jongdae as he shifted back to human form. Suho and lay blushed a little as they just shifted to their human form and might have checked their mates body. Jongin was standing a step behind Kyungsoo. As soon as Kyungsoo shifted Jongin eyes travelled from Kyungsoo's head to his toes and then travelled back to his peach. checke Kyungsoo was ignored the stares he was feeling. "Idiots you have your entire lifetime to eye your mate. Now focus on chanyeol. Kyungsoo we four will try to separate those two from eachothers grip. Just spilt the ground into two parts so that they don't escape our hand and jump on eachother okay?" said Jongdae. "Okay" said Kyungsoo as ge shifted back to his wolf. The other four immediately followed him.

Jongdae and Jongin went first To separate them, but Chanyeol threw Jongdae way to harsh in the ground. Immediately Jongdae, Jongin, suho and lay attacked together fighting their best to separate the two wolves. Everyone were beaten up badly, as they struggled to pull chanyeol and Baekhyun apart. As soon as the four wolves somehow managed to pull them away, Kyungsoo split the ground ten feet apart so that they won't jump on eachother again.

Baekhyun immediately shifted to his human form and yelled "DON'T EVEN THINK I HAVE FORGIVEN YOU! DO NOT ENTER THE PACK HOUSE UNTIL I SAY. DON'T APPEAR INFRONT OF ME UNTIL I SAY." on Chanyeol's face. He then turned towards Soohyun who just stood there as if she was hit by lighting. "I TOLD YOU, YOU ARE BANISHED. NOW GET THE HELL LOST FROM MY SIGHT." Soohyun panicked looking at how furious Baekhyun looked right now. She just bowed to him and ran away. "Remaining matches and next schedule will be continued after sunrise" said Baekhyun as he made his way towards the pack house.

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