That's mine!

516 12 1

Warnings: none
Word count: 274
This is a short chapter while I'm working on a request. Sorry if it's not great I'm just trying to get stuff out while I'm writing a request.

I woke up, rolling over and noticing the bed cold and empty. I soon heard the shower running and realized Eddie had gotten up for rehearsals again. I get out of bed, slipping on a brallette and one of his t shirts.

I head downstairs and make some coffee and breakfast for Eddie. I make the bed and tidy up a bit before he gets out of the shower.

I sit on the couch, my hair falling in my face. I soon hear Eddie come downstairs wearing some shorts and no shirt, his Van Halen necklace perfectly placed around his neck.

"Hey y:n have you seen my black Led Zeppelin t shirt?" He says, looking around.

His eyes eventually find me, noticing me wearing his shirt.

I smile, trying to convince him that I could wear it.

"Y/n that's my t shirt." He giggles

He starts to walk towards me. I run, not wanting to take off the shirt.

"Y/n come back!" He runs after me

I slide down the hallway, trying my best to keep away from him. He starts to get closer, almost reaching me.

He eventually gets me, pulling me in by the waist. We start to laugh, almost collapsing on the floor.

"What's up?" I joked

"Y/n can I have my t shirt?" He asks

"But- fine."

He lifts the t shirt up, throwing it on. I cross my arms, pretending to pout. He hugs me, kissing my neck.

"You look better without it on anyways." He joked

"Oh shut up!" I giggle, turning around and pulling him in for a kiss.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora