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If you wanna yell at someone, yell at me.
I'm the scapegoat you can always use.
I don't get to reach for my own desires,
I can only help others to reach their own.
Being happy isn't something I get to be.
Because if I'm happy, I tend to hurt people.

I'm the scapegoat you can turn to with tears,
And I will try to comfort you as I help you.
If you need someone who will just listen,
I will be there to lend you a listening ear.
If you need to talk with someone, I'm here.

My life is being a scapegoat and a servant.
That is what I've realized and have to live,
Because if I don't, I don't know what to do.
I've served for so long I forgot what love is,
What being happy is like, and what life is.

If you ever need a scapegoat, come to me.

/Just needed to get some of my thoughts out, and hopefully if anyone needs this poem, they find it when they need it. Don't mind me being depressed in my little corner over here. It might pass soon, and maybe it won't pass at all.\

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