I Am (Not) Poem

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I am not wholly modern or old fashioned.
I am just a pleasant mix of both sides.
I am not capable of being completely selfish.
I am broken, and yet still somewhat whole.
I am not a perfect being, nor without scars.
I am rational and emotional at the same time.
I am not alone, yet I rarely don't feel alone.
I am witty and smart at times, yet dumb.
I am not someone who loves winning or losing.
I am reforged from iron dust to tempered steel.
I am not fragile or easy to anger at times.
I am someone who loves to learn and grow.
I am not a mindless drone who just obeys.
I am a creator, a builder, and a destroyer.
I am not satisfied with staying still at all.
I am one who adapts and learns rather quickly.
I am not one for drawn out games or conflicts.
I am brave, scarred, and who I am from pain.
I am not one to chase after simple pleasures.
I am working to become the man I wish to be.
I am not a broken toy to just be discarded.

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