Conflicts Inside

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Sleep! That is what my body cries.
But I must not right now.
You are more important.
Food will help me get better,
But you are more important.
My body might be sick,
My brain might be tired,
But my heart keeps aching.
You are more important.
The things my heart does now
Is all because I met you.
You calm my heart, and make it flip
Just by smiling at me it flips.
My dreams used to be of books,
But now they are interspersed
With dreams about your smile.
My poems reflect my heart,
And you stole it. Keep it.
My heart is a gift to you.
I might blunder about,
But you help me be better.
The fact that we can talk,
Laugh, and share our thoughts
To each other tells me one thing.
That I found what I have needed most.
A person who understands me.

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