A Beautiful Dream of Mine

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There is a beautiful dream I keep dreaming of.
A meadow full of flowers carpeting the hills beyond,
The people I have loved and cherished dancing
While a mellow sun shines light upon us gently.

I take the hands of those dancing alone,
Hearing them laugh as I guide them in a dance
That makes sense only to me and them in the moment.
Smiles and laughter abound as we lose ourselves!

Oh, how I wish to dance in the meadow with you all.
Joy and laughter abounding as we work towards goals,
With no one left behind as we walk through the hills
That glisten with color and pollen as we explore!

Love shall spill forth from my pores as I work to live,
And dance among the stars as we cherish our friendship
That will be the day I finally feel part of a whole!
When that day comes about, then shall I smile once more!

My love, I wish I could simply find you in this lifetime.
Perhaps I've met you and not known it point in life,
But I swear that I will cherish your presence always!
Even when I feel weak and broken, you'll be loved the same!

Peace and life, that is what I desire to see with my eyes,
Even if it means I wage war on all that's come before!
Desires have little hold on me today, but I still feel them
As I strive to become the person that deserves your love!

May I jot be late to accept the love that you bestow me,
Even if I never fully see whether or not I should hold you.
When you are weak in spirit, use me as a brace to stand!
Love might be gone, but I'm here to carry you if I must!

Cherish that which brings you peace, comfort, and love
For you never know when Life or people will try to take away
That which brings you those feelings you deserve!
Should that happen, I'll be there to aid you, my friend.

Whether or not you know it, you've helped me in my strife,
As such I've sworn to do the same for you a thousandfold!
Let the world dash itself upon my walls, it shall never win
For I have the courage and strength of an army within.

Money, power, and all other illusions hold no sway on me,
For I seek only smiles of joy, relief, and safety!
Let the laughter of the young grace my ears as I stand strong!

Queens and kings may seek my knee, but none will gain
That which I've sworn to bend only to those deserving of my loyalty!
If friend is the name I bequeath to thee, thou art deserving of my knee
But be wary since you have not earned the title I hold most dear.

To those that I call family, you have my guarantee to have my knee.
You'll know which family I mean when I speak it to you,
That is if you have what it takes to pass that test,
A test that so many have failed to pass in my life.

Oh my friends and family, I pray my dream comes true
So that we may frolic in fields of green and plenty,
Never needing more than what we have earned
All so we might enjoy all that we have made together.

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