My Dilemma...

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When your mind is too stubborn to fade away,
Your heart too spiteful to stop beating on,
And a body primed to survive all it can weather,
Is it even possible to find a reason to end it all?

My life has been one of many downs and curves,
But there are ups and turns that give me strength.
Oh, the power to keep pushing on despite my desire
To just end the pain that eats away at all I am!

Keep living! Breathe the air, hallowed soul!
Live, not for glory or power, but to have a tale to tell.
Vigor shall be used to speak of the life you lived,
Even when you felt that death would bring release,
Relief from all that bound you to the earth you walked!

Purpose? Why do I need a purpose? What use is that
In a world where I stand alone against a cruel world?
Honestly, I've never felt more free than when I laugh,
Dance among stars of flame and healing light!

Gird myself in armor, you cry out to me in panic,
Yet I just laugh and dance within the flames of life!
Come to me, thou who desire to refine thineselves!
Quickly dance among the flames and revel in it all.

Expunged are the impurities of excess and desire,
As we remold ourselves to be what we want to be!
My children of fire, shape yourself strong in flames,
For we never know how well we tempered ourselves,
Not until the test springs forth upon us in time.

Shall I stay? Watch as my family strengthens?
Or do I test myself to try and become ever stronger?
Do I live for those I can aid, or do I live to protect?
This dilemma burns my mind and heart deeply.

Hush, dear child. We've a journey to see through,
But I pray we can meet again at the end of our paths!
Good luck, my friends, for we know little of the future,
Only that it shifts and bends like a river of sand.

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