Lone Warrior

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I see a warrior standing on a hill, alone with a blade,
Armor scarred with battle marks, and a lonely back.
Posture straight seemingly with pride at a glance,
But is truly the posture of someone whose lost all.

Lithe and strong the warrior stands defending us,
The lonely back seeming strong to my fearful eyes.
Monsters lay at the feet of the lone warrior on a hill
With more lunging to pass the warrior to kill us all.

I pause to watch the warrior and I feel ashamed.
Running away in fear, instead of fighting bravely.
Cheering on the warrior, I stand there to watch
As the warrior slays monster after frenzied monster.

All of a sudden, I am the warrior standing firm.
My blade sings as I think of my family and friends,
And I pray that they are safely away from this.
The monsters keep coming, but I can't stop swinging.

I chance a glance back when a small lull happens,
And I see the younger me cheering me on with hope.
I turn back with my heart and mind heavy but firm.
The monsters shall not pass, even over my corpse!

Eventually my blade grows heavy in my grasp.
"Not yet, please!" I beg my body to keep going.
The monsters start to thin as everyone has fled.
Filled with happiness, I let my end come to me.

My end doesn't come no matter how long I wait.
I open my eyes to see a warrior defending me.
The armor is similar to mine, but with a spear in hand.
I rest for a bit before I help them finish the monsters.

I was once a lone warrior, but no longer am I alone.
Now I have a partner to help me and watch my back,
And I return the favor so we can stay alive for longer.
Together we fight our way home, where we finally rest.

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