Stubborn Fool

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I can be rather foolish at times
However that doesn't stop me
No matter what may stop me
Along my chosen path I walk
I'll walk along at a steady pace
That no one can interrupt!

So~ World! Come at me now!
I'll show you foolish bravery!
This persistent fool walks on
With a light and heavy heart
I've seen sights along my way

This fool will walk on a path
That some may say is painful
For the soul that treads it long
But I will walk on to my goal
That I can see somewhat near

So~ World! Come at me now!
I'll show you foolish bravery!
This persistent fool walks on
With a light and heavy heart
I've seen sights along my way

My goal of happiness is there!
My feet keep moving along
Through the stones, the tears,
The pitfalls, and clever snares
To finally, finally claim peace.

Writings of ExpressionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora