Clipped Wings

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Echoes of the pain still torment my mind and body, even now.
I'm thousands of miles away from you and your mind games,
But I still don't feel free to be who I am or do my own things.
I'm still trapped in that room on the day when my will broke.

I was a happy child who adored you like a fan seeing his hero.
Once I was innocent and free to be happy and free of worries,
Able to play and see you smile with warmth and honest love,
But that changed as I grew up and learned about this world.

Like a bird in the wilds, I was happy, light, and free from you.
As a little chick, I thought my role model was a perfect dove,
But as I grew I came to see that you were instead an evil hawk.
I was your little minion who trusted you and followed blindly.

I only knew that you were evil from watching the other birds.
They were so much happier and more free than I'd ever been,
And that was when I knew that my wings had been clipped.
You clipped them so you had some control, but I'm growing.

My wings are growing stronger, but I keep that from you.
You think I'm still mostly submissive to you, but I'm not.
I hold back my desires and my strength for the right moment.
When you relax your guard, beware, I might just slip free.

The needed feathers are coming along well now you trust me.
You misplaced your trust in me, you just don't know it yet.
"You're weak! You give up easily!" You scream at me these lies.
I know my limits and I hid them from you so long you don't know.

I am the little raven that will escape your grasp and fly free.
You will never catch me ever again once I escape your talons.
I'll always be at the edge of your reach, the tantalizing bird.
Once I find myself again, you won't have anything on me.

So watch me carefully, lest I escape from you as you sleep.
Cage me like a pitiful song bird, but I will get free of you.
Clip my wings and watch as I get stronger as they grow back.
Nothing can keep me down for long, you taught me that lesson.

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