Broken Machine

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Don't try to get me back to complete.
I have splinters in the places I cared.
I can never be completely whole again.
Though I appear to be a broken toy to you,
I know that I'm just the scrap of a machine.
A machine that tried to please it's creator!
That creator didn't care about me though,
So I fell to ruins, scrap, and became empty.

Fix me, but I will never be complete again.
I may function, but I'm not as proficient now.
The words I love you sound hallow to me,
But I want them to mean something again.
I am fragmented but I am unique, I think.
You see the broken boy before you now,
But someday you'll see a whole man here.
When that day comes, then I'll smile again.

A/N: I will be posting this in my song book as well, as this feels like a song to me. At least, it was a song circling my mind as I wrote it down.

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