A Wonderful Feeling Lived

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As life fades away, a face framed with raven hair comes to mind
My chest tightens in pain as thoughts rush by in a whirlwind.
That piercing gaze like spears that is recalled so fondly causes more pain
As realization hits solidly, my friend will never know my feelings.

Coming to, your piercing gaze is filled with concern over wounds
That no longer register in my tired brain once you fill my gaze.
Your feelings are evident now, but this poor fool was blind to them.
A dry chuckle escapes my lips as the paramedics are in time to save this fool

In the hospital my broken body slowly heals with tender care
You treat my wounds and do your job, but on breaks you visit often.
When I'm nearly healed you help me to relearn some lost skills I had.
As we walk along together we blurt out, "Grow old with me, please?"

Our gazes meet in shock that quickly turns to joy, then pain for me.
After that day we stayed together as long as we possibly could in there.
You took me outside and we eloped shortly thereafter in peace
Now we are old and cuddling again in out home, surrounded by grandkids.

Together we drift off to the long rest we so deserve in each others arms one last time, my angel.

<A/N: I wrote this for a Creative Writing assignment. This poem was supposed to be about love without mentioning the word love and we also couldn't use he, she, it, they, them, her, and a few other commonly used words in poems about love. Hope you enjoyed my attempt at a love poem!>

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