Help Me Find the Light!

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I'd heard that fear is dangerous. But they didn't tell me just how deadly it can be. My fear keeps holding me back from what I want, what I need, what I dream of. How can I let go of this fear? Is there anyone who can tell me? I keep looking for an answer, but I just can't seem to find the answer I need! There is nothing that helps me to calm down from this fear. I forgot how I dealt with this in the past, but that won't keep me down for long.

Just help me find the light I need in my life, and you will see a different side of me! Yeah! Fear can hold me down, but I'm a fighter, writer, creator, and a thinker! Nothing can keep me down without my say so. So I will fight to get back up to my feet! You can tell me I'm crazy when fight off my demons and search for my happiness! Tears, blood, sweat, and thought! That's what success is made of when you have to fight your way to it!

No one has ever been in my life for long. My father is here, but it feels like he is gone. My mother cares, but she hardly listens. My brothers never seem to care about me, and my sister just fights with me most of the time. I may be pinned down emotionally, but I can still feel somethings! I'm constantly feeling broken and shattered inside. My mood says I'm depressed, but what is depression? I may seem insane to you, but to me I'm mentally sound! It feels like I have no one waiting for me right now, but I'm sure I will find that special someone who makes me feel safe, alive, and loved. When that day comes I will shout out in joy, but for now I'll stay safe down in the dumps of life.

Just help me find the light I need in my life, and you will see a different side of me! Yeah! Fear can hold me down, but I'm a fighter, writer, creator, and a thinker! Nothing can keep me down without my say so. So I will fight to get back up to my feet! You can tell me I'm crazy when fight off my demons and search for my happiness! Tears, blood, sweat, and thought! That's what success is made of when you have to fight your way to it!

I'm so tired of having to fight for what I want. I just want to be free already, but I'm stuck in a loop, in a cage, in a house full of monsters! Oh, I want to be free like the birds I see outside! They seem so happy, free, and careless that I find myself wishing for a pair of wings. Maybe then I will feel free from my past, my troubles, and the monsters who caged me in this pit! I'm stuck in a dark pit with only a small hole that leads to the outside. The hole is too small for me to escape through, and that has me feeling hopeless. I'll hold out for to my special someone though, so that they can be happy and help me out of here!

Just help me find the light I need in my life, and you will see a different side of me! Yeah! Fear can hold me down, but I'm a fighter, writer, creator, and a thinker! Nothing can keep me down without my say so. So I will fight to get back up to my feet! You can tell me I'm crazy when fight off my demons and search for my happiness! Tears, blood, sweat, and thought! That's what success is made of when you have to fight your way to it!

My success will be smiling again. So just help me find the light I need in my life. Then you'll see the side of me I hid to live.

A/N: I decided to write this out, but I am not sure if I should make this my first poem to be sent out into the world to be judged and read by other people... Maybe if each poem gets like... 20 votes?.. I will try to get my poems published. This is my promise to you guys, my readers, who have been supporting me by reading my poems. Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your week!

Writings of ExpressionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon