Lovely Questions

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If I told you that I am covered in scars with no natural skin showing,
Would you believe me without seeing my scars and healed fractures?
How would you react if you knew that this happened out of "Love"?

The process to gain all of them made me doubt my self worth, a lot.
Now I'm just a husk who tries to help others to become better than it,
And all because I let the pressure get to me while I was weak and young.

I doubt that there is any way that I will ever become whole again,
But I have to try for those who need me to show them how to do it.
I'm scattered as shards right now, but I still have my heart intact.

Is "love" supposed to be giving everything to someone else?
What is it that love is supposed to be, and how does it feel?
Is it warm and fuzzy like I read in the romance novels say?

I don't understand love or how it can help, but I kinda want it.
I want it so I can try to be happy like I see everyone else is.
Does love always come with pain and an ache that never fades?

I may not have the answers right this moment, but I will one day.
Maybe then I will finally get to see that love isn't a dangerous beast,
That instead it's a kind and gentle entity that can help me be happy again.

Someday I hope to be free of my fear of what we call love,
Because only then will I ever be truly happy with myself.

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