Lighting Clouds

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Sometimes the clouds can hide the sky
Darken your day with no warning signs
And sometimes they like to hang around
For days or weeks on end at times

I've lived with clouds for many years,
Never able to fully see the sky above
Thanks to the dark clouds in my sky
And the burdens I placed on myself

But I've found a silver lining in them,
Seen the light trying to shine through!
There is a way to see the sunlight,
If I'd just set my burdens aside now.

I can finally see how heavy my load
Has been since I tried to carry more
Then what was actually my own.
I tried to be Atlas and lift the world.

Then I found someone who helped
Me to see that I was lifting more
Then I could handle all by myself.
So she helped me set them aside.

And I've found the light I had lost,
Which was hidden inside myself
Thanks to the angel who helped
Me in a time of weakness.

So, to that angel I pledge this,
That I'll stay by your side
Until the end of time comes
And even further will I stand!

I wave to the clouds as they
Retreat back in hasty ways
From the light that shines
Forth from my love and I.

Darling, I'll be here for you.
I'll be the scepter in your hand,
The blade on your hip,
And the armor that protects.

All I ask in return for this,
Is that you keep smiling on.

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